10 Essential Japanese Phrases to Learn Today
Minimum vocabulary needed while in Japan
If you are one of those intrepid souls that prefers to explore the world off the beaten track in Japan, you will likely encounter people who do not speak English. Learning these Japanese phrases could be tremendously helpful.
1. Kore wo kudasai (ko-leh oh kuh-dah-sah-ee)
“This one, please.”
At a restaurant: Point to the item you want on the menu or in the plastic food display, and say, “Kore wo kudasai.”
In a store: Point to the object you want to buy and say, “Kore wo kudasai.”
2. Onegaishimasu (oh-neh-guy-she-mäs)
Onegaishimasu is a very polite “please.”
As you can imagine, this word is endlessly useful.
In a restaurant and you want more water? Lift your glass and say, “Onegaishimasu.”
Many restaurants offer free refills of rice, if that’s what you want, lift your rice bowl and say, “Onegaishimasu.”
Finished your meal and ready for your check? Say “Onegaishimasu.”