Thinking of Coming to Japan to Teach English? Read This.

A comparison of the three most common entry-level pathways (no teaching qualifications required!)

Rahil C.
Japonica Publication


Photo by author

Whether you’re dipping your toes or fully committed to the idea of coming to Japan to teach English — it can be exhausting wrapping your head around the options and deciding which one is best for you.

I am currently working as an English teacher on the Japanese Exchange and Teaching Programme (“JET Programme” for short) in Shimane. I’ve been through this process myself — it can be overwhelming.

This article will break down all that you need to know about the three major English teaching programs in Japan (that don’t require formal teaching qualifications). That being said, there are countless other options to choose from and I recommend broadening your search once you have a clearer idea of what type of program interests you. Also important to note is that every program has positive and negative reviews on the internet — be sure to read these carefully to get a better sense of what to expect.

Before we get started, here are some questions to consider:

  • Would your rather teach with the support of another person or by yourself?
  • Do you want to work with students…



Rahil C.
Japonica Publication

Australian lawyer who used to teach English in Japan. Loves a hot latte while listening to Vaundy.