Shinzo Abe & the Geopolitical Genius of Japan

3 strategies are renewing Japan’s power in the age of de-globalization and Shinzo Abe was its architect

Japonica Publication


(G8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany, 2007. Wikipedia.)

No man was more responsible for gearing Japan and the Japanese people for 21st-century geopolitics than Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

On July 8th, 2020 in Nara, Japan, Abe was assassinated by a lone gunman — shocking Japan and shocking the world. This tragedy will scar the nation, not only because of the incredible rarity of crime and gun violence.

It has also left a void of leadership and wisdom in international politics that Abe understood deeply and used to navigate the Japanese people through the chaos and uncertainty of the 21st century.

Abe’s legacy will ultimately be shaped by historians and Japanese citizens in the decades to come, but it will also be defined by the fundamental role he played in renewing Japan back to global power.

Recognizing Our New Era of De-Globalization

The largest funder of the United Nations, the United States committed to decreasing funding of several major agencies by a whopping 30% in 2020 — demanding that free-riding countries pay their fair share.

