Why I Almost Gave Up Living in Japan Though I’m Half Japanese

And how I survived a challenging year

Federica M
Japonica Publication


Visible tall buildings with billboards from fashion brands on the forefront of the image, against the background of a blue sky with scattered clouds.
Omotesando, Tokyo, Japan during the day. Photo by Federica Morgandi.

My name is Federica and I am 22. I moved from Italy to Tokyo in November 2021.

Over this past year, I went from feeling like things were happening too quickly, leaving me out of control, to feeling like I was choosing the life I wanted for myself.

Being half Japanese and half Italian, I experienced Japanese culture growing up, so I expected to have an easier time living here than I actually did. After only 6 months, I was ready to give up on Tokyo.

What are the reasons? Let me start from the beginning of my journey, giving you the reasons why I moved to Japan, and Tokyo in particular, before explaining how I overcame adversity.

Why I moved to Tokyo

My main reason for moving here was that I did not know what to do with myself after graduation (especially graduating from a little-known academic field of Online Culture). Since I had family in the country, I wanted to live in Japan for at least a year to see what it was like.

My intention was to have a year of exploration that would hopefully give me answers…



Federica M
Japonica Publication

Italian-Japanese living in Tokyo. With a background in social studies, I am passionate about life, culture, technology and art.