Why It’s Hard to Tell What Japanese Women Think on Dates

The answer is in harmful how-to articles in fashion magazines

Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication
5 min readNov 6, 2022


Photo from Pixabay.

Have you ever felt like there are extra barriers when communicating with Japanese people, aside from the language itself?

If you have found it difficult to understand people in Japan, especially Japanese women, this article is for you.

It usually takes time for Japanese people to express their true feelings, and being aware of that will help you redirect your conversation and nurture a long-lasting relationship with your Japanese partner.

Case Study: A Disastrous Date in Tokyo

Imagine you arrive 10 minutes late at the cafe, keeping your Japanese girlfriend waiting on your first date. The woman doesn’t seem to mind. You introduce yourself, talk about your hobbies, and ask about her. She doesn’t talk a lot, and you assume she’s a quiet person. Since she’s a great listener, you keep talking about yourself and feel comfortable.

At the end of the day, she agrees to meet you again. But when you message her the next day, she never replies. She ghosted you. Why!? There were no red flags!



Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication

Spreading Japanese women's reality as a cultural translator. Writing for CNBC, The Japan Times, YourTango and more. EiC of Japonica.