Why Japan Is Free of Gun Violence and Children Travel to School by Themselves

Here’s what you can accomplish for children if there are very few firearms

Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication


Photo from Pakutaso.

It is possible to own rifles and shotguns in Japan, but it’s extremely hard to buy them due to the strict regulations. And most Japanese people appreciate the low gun violence rate.

I’m not going to brag about anything in Japan because I love the U.S. I worked for an American company for a long time and I met my husband at an American college program.

However, I want to tell the world the reality of life in Japan. Children in the U.S. deserve the same. This is what I’d like to say as the parent of a young girl.

Below 10 Deaths Per Year from Gunfire

With a 125 million population, the Japanese rarely witness gun shootings. On average, there are fewer than 10 deaths every year from gun violence.

If you’re going to buy a gun in Japan, you need to attend a one-day class and pass both a written test and a shooting test. Then, the background checks start. They include a mental health evaluation, criminal record check, and interviews with your friends and family. And what you can buy after these steps are air rifles and shotguns—no handguns.



Yuko Tamura
Japonica Publication

Spreading Japanese women's reality as a cultural translator. Writing for CNBC, The Japan Times, YourTango and more. EiC of Japonica.