Kimberly Kerwin’s Silence Defined

Shawn’s Broken Promises Wrapped in his Jar of Hearts

Kim Kerwin & (Her Devil)
Jar of Hearts


The brutal truth endured in my life with Kimberly Kerwin is defined with each word of this beautiful song. My breaking heart is left with the reality that Kim’s silence will forever place me on the edge of a life I miss. Do I jump off or should i continue to climb over the walls that surround her heart? The ice inside my soul separated the bond between us and I am trying my best to get this woman back into my arms. The scars remaining on her heart scream for the man that left her alone in a world that is cruel and unkind and with each step towards her, she becomes more silent. Living half alive, Shawn will tempt fate hoping that Kim may come back beyond his agony of regret. It is this last chance testing the strength around his broken heart that may lead him into temptation or it will break his soul. The story’s conclusion will begin August 9th, 2014. Check out the book “The Devil in Polo” and witness for the first time an ending that will not shock you once, but twice. ~DP

“This Song will forever define my silence. Torn apart, I will never forgive the man who broke my heart and placed me inside the walls that surround me. The careless whisper separating the promises that were given will remain broken and placed inside the jar that Shawn carries in his soul.” ~KK

Living Half-Alive



Kim Kerwin & (Her Devil)
Jar of Hearts

Deep within the silence that is Kimberly Kerwin, I found a place that has given me a beautiful reason to keep trying and I will never give up. ~DP