Jarvis Network: delivering decentralized finance to everyone

6 min readNov 17, 2018


Marvis, our mascot, is dreaming about connecting everything together…

Article updated in April 2020

Hello, my name is Pascal Tallarida and I am the founder and CEO of Jarvis, a science fiction masterpiece, born three years ago. Jarvis is a set of protocols (Jarvis network) and applications (Jarvis market and Jarvis wallet) to uberize and universalize finance and investing.

I believe that a new finance existing entirely on the Blockchain is possible (we call it Decentralized Finance, or DeFi) and will co-exist with traditional finance, filling the gaps left by the latter and even competing for some market share; DeFi will create a lot of value for all its stakeholders and Jarvis is poised to become both one of its engineering piece and one of its main gateways.

I can never thank enough the madmen who followed and supported financially this project.

Decentralized finance?

Decentralized finance (or DeFi) is a financial system whose infrastructure is based on a Blockchain, and is therefore open, transparent, and fully programmable.

  • As such, it allows recreating existing financial services and products (insurance, trading, derivatives, loans, rental properties, etc.) on a Blockchain;
  • but it also allows to innovate with products previously synonymous with science fiction (lotteries or donations without loss of money, assets that self-generate interest, etc.);
  • these products inherit Blockchain features and are therefore auditable, and can be automated and become entirely autonomous;
  • eventually, it gives everyone access to all these investment products and solutions that were prior reserved for institutional investors (liquidity provision, hedge funding, etc.).

The Jarvis Network

Visit https://jarvis.network

Jarvis network is a set of protocols on Ethereum for universalizing and uberizing finance and more particularly — financial products and markets. It is owned by a DAO.

Jarvis “Blockchainizes” traditional financial markets to make them open, transparent, interoperable and programmable, and eventually disintermediate them.

These protocols allow users to gain exposure to the prices of any financial instrument via margin trading and/or synthetic assets (for convenience, we will say that users trade, invest, open positions in these instruments) and/or provide the liquidity required for these protocols to run smoothly.

Margin Protocol

A trust-minimized off-chain trading protocol

This protocol allows users to open leveraged positions on different markets such as Forex, indices, stocks or cryptocurrencies, collateralized by Dai.

They trade against liquidity pools supplied by liquidity providers (LP) who set their rules (spread, commissions, leverage, supported markets, price source, etc.), effectively uberizing brokerage. LPs can run “No Dealing Desk” or “Dealing Desk” node to hedge their exposure or run a sophisticated market making strategy with their brokers, exchanges or other institutional partners.

You can read the dedicated article:

Synthetic protocol (Synthereum)

An on-chain trading protocol

Leveraging from the UMA platform, this protocol allows users to create tokens that track the price of any traditional or digital asset. They can be converted directly with the smart contract, without a counterparty, spread, or slippage: instead of an exchange taking place between a buyer and a seller, the user burns a token (1 synthetic EUR) and atomically mint another one of the same value (0.8 synthetic GBP).

They deposit their collateral in liquidity pools supplied by LPs who are responsible for ensuring the over-collateralisation of the assets minted. This obligation poses a financial risk to LPs that they can hedge via the Margin protocol.

You can read the dedicated article:

Jarvis Reward Token (JRT)

The JRT is a utility token for securing and governing the protocols, respectively through staking and through a DAO, and aims at rewarding the agents who would bring value to the ecosystem.

  • the DAO vote on multiple settings and on propositions to improve the network
  • the DAO manage a 100M Reward Funds to distribute JRT across various reward program, to incentivize those who bring value to the ecosystem;
  • the DAO collect all the fees and decide how to best allocate them to serve the interest of the network and the JRT holders;
  • JRT is staked by validators and relayers to align their interests with those of the protocols.

You can read the dedicated article:

The Apps

dApps integrating one of the protocols have the possibility to add a fee to generate revenue, in which case part of it will be used to automatically buy back JRTs from the markets and burn them.

Even though anyone can develop an application on the top of the protocols, we have opened different companies in different jurisdictions to be the first to do so and to provide seamless decentralized applications (dApps) to end-users to interact with the protocols: Jarvis market and Jarvis wallet.

Jarvis market

Visit https://jarvis.market

Jarvis market allows interacting with the Margin and Synthetic protocols. It is a trading platform for active investors which provides spot and margin trading.

The Spot trading mode aggregates liquidity across several Cex and Dex to allow users to trade any ERC20 tokens (and therefore synthetic assets) at the best prices.

Eventually, the platform will offer social features by integrating 3box and Set Protocol for example.

Jarvis market uses Jarvis trader, a standalone proprietary trading platform that allows traders to connect to several traditional exchanges and brokers.

Jarvis wallet

Visit https://jarvis.money

Built on Gnosis Safe and Unilogin, Jarvis wallet is a smart contract wallet closer to Revolut than to Trust wallet: no private key, no cryptic address, no gas and … no “crypto”. Leveraging from the Synthetic protocol, the base currency of the wallet is not Ether or Dai, but synthetic Euros, Swiss francs or any of the 30 synthetic fiat currencies that the protocol will support.

Thanks to open banking and our partner Ramp.network, Jarvis users can seamlessly connect their bank and instantly buy Dai which will automatically be converted into jEUR, jCHF or jGBP, free of charge and without KYC.

Users then access a dashboard presenting several natively integrated financial services: savings and credit account (Compound, Aave etc.), portfolio management (stocks, cryptos, metals, etc.), real estate (realT, etc.) insurance, lottery, art, games etc. Savvy users will be able to use their wallet to connect to decentralized applications effectively accessing more services, thanks to Unilogin or WalletConnect.

Eventually, the integration of protocols such as 3box will also add a social touch.

Pascal (pascal.jarvis.eth on Twitter).

The possibilities are limitless
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Risk Warning: Investing in digital financial assets involves a high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for all investors; do not risk more money than you can afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to make sure the product is right for you.

Disclaimer: This article contains text, data, graphics, photographs, illustrations and information (“Information”) connected with Jarvis International and/or other entities part of the Jarvis group ( “Jarvis”). Jarvis attempts to ensure Information is accurate, however Information is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis and may not be accurate or up to date. The publication of this article does not represent solicitation by Jarvis of buying the token “Jarvis Reward Token” and is not to be considered as a recommendation by Jarvis as to the suitability of any investment, if any, herein described. No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon Information in this document. Jarvis accepts no liability for the results of any action taken on the basis of the Information.

