Newsletter, 17th of November

Jarvis Network
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2019

Work…work never stops, as we continue to pursue the outlined tasks. December almost behind the corner and there are still work to be done.


As you remember for the past couple of weeks we had meetings with the local broker to make a deal to their licence so we could work with the liquidity provider that we want to work with. After many meetings with them over this time period, everything was going nice and smoothly…BUT the LP finally reanalyzed our business and understood that they won’t be able to identify our orders. So they refused to work with us because we will give them a unique flow of orders while they want each order to be identified. LP wants to know the exact “who send and what order being send”, to better manage their risk.

In the meantime, we keep working on the private key management. As we said before it is a very sensitive task and it has to be dealt with the utmost attention.


Our friends at ETHworks continue to work on the wallet. They admit that they honestly underestimated the amount of work that has to be done. Anyway, they keep making good progress overall.


This week we were all-in on finding the best future teammate. People usually underestimate the process you need to go through to find the best person for your project, especially when it comes to the crypto world.

First, you write down an attractive job offering, and to explain the mission and the challenges the candidate will have to face. Than you to publish it on various specialised websites, contact the network to relay the info, contact HR agency, correct the offer (as you receive the feedback on the way), etc. It takes a lot of time and energy.

Finally, you receive hundreds of CVs, analyse people’s previous work and experience, shortlist some of them. And when you finally shortlisted from 100 to 20 and want to congratulate yourself on a job well done, you receive another 100 of applications. So you go to point 0. It is a vicious circle.

However, at the end of the day, it is what it takes to hire The perfect dev for us. We are looking for a front-end dev who will take care of making our UI the most outstanding, full-stack dev that will work on every aspect of the project, and a blockchain engineer that will help to solve many technical issues regarding our beloved Ethereum blockchain such as scalability and usability as an example.

This is all for today, it’s not much but it is honest work.


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