Newsletter, 25th of August

Jarvis Network
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2019

New week, new newsletter, more exciting news to share! Alpha test is life and we are reflecting on the feedback received, and much more.


First things first, we would like to thank all of the alpha testers. Thanks to you and your report we found most of the bugs and possible issues. At this point, we are addressing to most of them (except UI, as we said before the UI will be different, so no point fixing that now). Next step will do address the security. First, we will use the help of white hackers and audits after.


If you follow our social media, you already know that our wallet was presented in a conference in Berlin.

Jarvis Wallet onboarding

To be specific our friends from ETHworks unveil the onboarding of our Wallet and the one of MetaCartel at several conferences last week (all in Berlin). Thanks to their Universal Login Protocol, we were able to create a one of a kind onboarding procedure for our Jarvis Wallet! In the past newsletters, we mentioned emojis and how they will help us, well… it is the reality now (although for now, we use icons representing emojis)! You can watch the full video of how it works here.

This is all for today, see you next week!


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