Newsletter, 16th June

Jarvis Network
Published in
3 min readJun 16, 2019

Another working week is over, next is on the way. So it is the time to give you new insights on the project development. This week we advanced on the assignments mentioned in the last week newsletter.


While we have mainly spoken in our lasts newsletters about the exchange API and server, we might have forgotten to tell you that we keep working on the UI. There are many iterations between the design team and the developers, and we are happy to say that the list of tasks for the UI starts to be tiny 😊. Anyway, the work on pending orders is still in progress and we do hope to end this next week. In the meantime we began to work our testnet setup, so people can start trying Jarvis in a test mode very soon.

We started talking with CRM providers, to build a custom solution which supports our smart contract. The idea behind it is to allow to deposit funds in the smart-contract and to display the users' balance in MT4, cTrader and other widespread and mainstream platforms. This should help us to bring more users and increase a potential user base.


As for the wallet, we moved to the navigation part and have been concentrated on that, as we believe with great UX comes great product. Every small detail matters, you have to enjoy using the app, to feel literally pleasure navigating into it. It has to be smooth, practical and easy to understand and to use. It is not about how it looks like, but you will use and navigate in the app. We put a lot of effort and emphasis on it as for us UX defines the brand. As someone said: “UI is like a joke, it doesn’t work if you have to explain it”.

Apart from the UI, our developers are busy with continuous integration and continuous deployment of the mobile application. We continue to reach out to different solutions for synergies and partnerships.


This week we had a call with yet another wallet provider, to add one-click access to Jarvis exchange in their wallet. Such partnerships are great importance, and are very strategic, as all the users of that wallet will be able to seamlessly access and trade on Jarvis, meaning user acquisition at low cost.

This is all for today. Time to rest a bit and prepare for the new week, to face new challenges and yield new results.


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Risk Warning: Investing in digital financial assets involves a high degree of risk and volatility and is not suitable for all investors; do not risk more money than you can afford to lose. Please consult an independent professional financial or legal advisor to make sure the product is right for you.

Disclaimer: This article contains text, data, graphics, photographs, illustrations and information (“Information”) connected with Jarvis International and/or other entities part of the Jarvis group ( “Jarvis”). Jarvis attempts to ensure Information is accurate, however, Information is provided “AS IS” and on an “AS AVAILABLE” basis and may not be accurate or up to date. The publication of this article does not represent solicitation by Jarvis of buying the token “Jarvis Reward Token” and is not to be considered as a recommendation by Jarvis as to the suitability of any investment, if any, herein described. No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon Information in this document. Jarvis accepts no liability for the results of any action taken on the basis of the Information.

