Newsletter, June 23rd

Jarvis Network
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2019

The week is over, so it is the time for a new update on the current status of the project. It was not very eventful in terms of new things to share, as we continue our work on the tasks outlined before.


Design for the exchange is almost done, we did the last iteration of it. The overall development is progressing but nothing too big to worth mentioning. Unfortunately, we cannot say for sure if we can respect the deadline that was set up for June. We will push even harder for this not to happen but you have to understand it does not depend solely on us. We do not want to shift the blame or anything but there are processes and issues beyond our control and we have to rely on others to finish on time (example: we had issues integrating API).


We are very delighted with the progress we have done this week concerning the UI side of the wallet, especially the navigation aspect of the wallet. The main work was concentrated on the “physics” aspect, so we rely on gestures with a finger to make useful combinations. As we mentioned before, it has to be easy and intuitive, a user has to enjoy using the application! Next week, we will start working on the backend and smart-contract integration, by our estimations it should take us approximately a month of work, so we believe we can deliver Alpha version of the wallet by the end of July.


Pascal was attending a conference as the speaker at the beautiful city of Amboise. Where he was giving a speech for the representatives of Veracash and Aucoffre. Veracash is a payment company which uses gold to back debit and credit cards, so every purchase you make you pay it with gold. Aucoffre is a company that allows you to buy gold and if you want they can do safekeeping for you.

Those companies asked him to come and present two things:
1. Why should they be interested in blockchain and tokenization
2. What are the use cases with the company like Jarvis?

As we see it so far, the best use case would be: using the already existing infrastructure, these companies can create token backed by gold and list it on Jarvis.

This is all for now, see you next week!


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