Cheaper, faster payments with jEUR stablecoin with Request Finance!

Pascal Tallarida
Jarvis Network
Published in
4 min readMar 10, 2022

We are excited to announce that Request Finance now supports Jarvis Network’s Euro stablecoin (jEUR), allowing companies and individuals to make cheaper, faster payments with jEUR.

Request Network

Request Finance enables you to see, manage, and pay all your crypto invoices in one place. Today, it is used by thousands of Web 3.0 companies to pay their suppliers, partners, contributors and team members in crypto. Since launching in 2021, over $175 million of cryptocurrency payments have been made through Request Finance. Of which, around $4.5 million in crypto invoices were paid in January alone.

It offers users the flexibility to choose from a growing list of over 70+ different currencies, and 10+ different blockchains to pay with.

Used by 1000+ organizations

Over 1,300 businesses now use Request Finance, with users growing on average by 18% monthly since it launched just over a year ago in 2021.

Jarvis LTD and Joe Labs are proud to join the rapidly growing base of crypto projects, DAOs, and large companies using Request Finance in the Web 3.0 space like The Sandbox, AAVE, Paraswap, and MakerDAO.

A natural fit for jEUR…

As a B2B crypto payments platform, nearly half of all payments on Request Finance were made in stablecoins like USDC and DAI. Now, users of Request Finance can also pay in jEUR; a synthetic Euro stablecoin deployed on multiple EVM-compatible chains and designed with usability in mind.

  • jEUR is very stable: it is over-collateralized with USDC, and the protocol guarantees that it will always be redeemable for its equivalent in USDC.
  • jEUR is very liquid: it can be converted for USDC, or any other jFIATs (jCHF, jCAD, etc.) without price impact, at the Chainlink price feed, and can be exchanged for any other cryptocurrencies with little slippage.

jEUR has an on and off-ramp: powered by Mt Pelerin, it allows individuals and companies to exchange Euros for jEUR or vice versa at a 1:1 ratio.

“By using Mt Pelerin’s service, companies using Request Finance can seamlessly convert EUR and jEUR back and forth between their bank accounts and wallets at a 1-for-1 ratio with zero fees below $100,000 per year.” — Arnaud Salomon, Founder & CEO, Mt Pelerin Group Ltd.

These features make jEUR a perfect candidate for domestic and cross-border payments denominated in Euros. The integration within Request Finance’s crypto invoicing app makes it easy for companies and freelancers to do business in stablecoins.

The jEUR on the Request Network

A transaction in jEUR on the Request Network.

Request Finance now allows any individual and company to make cheaper, faster payments in jEUR, a highly liquid, and robust Euro stablecoin.

Since the last month, freelancers and companies contributing to the Jarvis Network have been using Request Finance to transact in jEUR, with already more than 45,000 jEUR being paid through the app!

“As a crypto startup, we rely heavily on using stablecoins for payments. I used to report every transaction in an old-school spreadsheet, and I had to create invoices, send and settle payments, one by one. Copy-pasting wallet addresses, and transaction hashes was tedious. Request helps me automate the whole transaction life cycle, from reporting to notifying the recipient that the invoices have been paid! Less time spent, and no more mistakes.” — Pascal Tallarida, Founder at Jarvis Network

It also provides an opportunity to the +1000 organizations already using Request, to discover jEUR and to start using it to benefit from its capabilities!

“This new partnership will help jEUR and other jFIATs to power new, exciting use-cases among the rapidly growing list of Web 3.0 companies already using Request Finance.” — Christophe Fonteneau, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Business Development, Request Finance.

About Request

Request (REQ) is a blockchain-based suite of financial applications dedicated to crypto first companies. Its first product, Request Invoicing, allows anyone from freelancers to small businesses and organizations to create, store, and access invoices and receipts in a universal, decentralized network. Users can easily send professional, secured, compliant invoices and receive payments in traditional currencies like USD and EUR — or digital currencies such as USDC, DAI, and USDT among many others in the list.

To learn more about Request, visit Request.Finance

About Jarvis Network

Jarvis Network is a set of protocols and applications on EVM-compatible chains to bridge legacy and decentralized finance (DeFi). Its mission is to build an infrastructure layer that can be leveraged by anyone to develop use cases facilitating the adoption of DeFi, and to build applications to onboard the next billions of users. Its first protocol, Synthereum, pioneers an innovative and capital-efficient manner to issue and exchange synthetic fiat currencies called jFIATs, thanks to a fully on-chain Forex market. jFIATs are stablecoins designed to be usable: they keep their peg, are highly liquid, and are scalable.

  • Contact: Pascal Tallarida,
  • Visit our website

