Newsletter, 19th of July

Jarvis Network
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2021
  • Self-mining contracts with USDC collateral are deployed to short EURUSD
  • New proposals by the members of the Senate
  • APR of 15%, 21%, and 16% for jEUR, jGBP, and jCHF

👨‍💻 Protocols

Synthereum (Synthetic Protocol)

  • jSynths minted: $1,268k
  • TVL: $2,429k
  • Liquidity available: $3,282,804 of jSynths

Self-mining contracts with USDC as collateral were deployed on Ethereum mainnet. This allows for shorting EURUSD for example (borrow jEUR and sell it on Jarvis Exchange or Sushiswap).

In the meantime, we have refactored some contracts to integrate the UMA Bridge instead of the UMA DVM for Polygon. The tests on the Mumbai testnet will follow soon as soon as Chainlink deploys the price feeds on these networks.


One of our community members, dydymoon, presented several thorough proposals on the stJRT and liquidity incentivization for the JRT pools topics.

It is the first time that we witness such a degree of participation in the discussion. Join Discord to participate in the ongoing discussion (p8 & p12).


JRT price was fairly stable throughout the week with minor spikes, finishing the week at $0.041.

📱 dApps

Yield Farming

We continue to perform usability tests for the farming V2 dApp design on both desktop and mobile.

Jarvis Exchange

The major parts for integrating OCRL are complete, you can test the new version here:


We also finished the majority of work required on the backend to make the connection between the frontend and the smart contracts of the self-minting dApp. We will start the tests soon, to see if any issues arise.

🐱‍🏍 MISC

JRT liquidity

Total liquidity: $1,904,679

  • Uniswap V1: $7,459;
  • Uniswap V2: $205,976;
  • Bancor: $381,292;
  • Balancer: $612,854;
  • Sushiswap: $697,098*.

*SushiSwap weekly ROI 0.56% / yearly ROI 26.92% (paid in Sushi).

You can buy $20k worth of $JRT with 2.9% slippage and $50k with 6.32% slippage.

Yield Farming Program

  • AUR/USDC: $64,561 TVL, 61.98% APR
  • (Uni V2) JRT/ETH: $175,001 TVL, 22.87% APR
  • (Sushi) JRT/ETH: $146,793 TVL, 27.26% APR
  • jEUR/USDC: $792,586 TVL, 15.15% APR
  • jGBP/USDC: $547,703 TVL, 21.92% APR
  • jCHF/USDC: $732,797 TVL, 16.38% APR

APYs are given at the moment of writing this newsletter and can change as more liquidity is being added to the pools

This is all for now, stay safe, and see you next week!


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