Jasmine V1.0 Update: Launch Plan

Jasmine Energy
Jasmine Energy
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2023

As we approach the launch of our V1.0 we want to answer some common questions about what’s coming.

What is Jasmine V1.0?

Jasmine V1.0 enables anyone to trade energy attributes at a posted price.

Many features work together to enable that, but that is the core of the release. Everything else is secondary. We believe that this will be transformative to a market that today operates almost exclusively over-the-counter.

Which Energy Attributes Will be Tradeable?

Energy Attributes are a very diverse commodity class with prices commonly ranging from $1-$500 per MWh. Our asset pools will create narrow subcategories of Energy Attributes which experience has taught us are fungible and trade at nearly the same price. At V1.0 launch, to keep things simple, we’re going to offer only 1 asset pool. Only Energy Attribute Tokens (EAT) which have been CRS listed and which have a vintage between January 2023 and June 2023 will be eligible for the pool. “CRS listed” is the industry standard for high-impact corporate-grade Energy Attributes. Brokering CRS listed energy attributes is only possible because of our partnership with the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS).

As the platform matures, we plan to open more pools, but we do not expect to ever have any pools for pre-2023 vintage EATs. Our partnership with CRS began in 2023 so that’s the oldest vintage for which we’re able to broker Energy Attributes from CRS listed generators.

Older Energy Attributes can be tokenized via the Jasmine Bridge and traded in other ways, but not using our pools or JLTs.

What Other Functionality is Coming?

Some functionality is available today; most is arriving with the V1.0 launch; and some is currently being worked on and will arrive sometime after the V1.0 launch. Below is a summary of what’s coming. If there’s other functionality you want to see, tell us about it in our Discord.

What is Happening When?

We are not announcing a launch date for V1.0. We don’t want our engineering cycle to be subject to a marketing calendar. The smart contracts will be published to mainnet as soon as they make it through our external code audit. However, there are a few events between now and then where you can get a sneak peak.

Community Pre-Audit

Developers who plan to build on Jasmine are invited to review our pre-audit source code and give feedback on how it can better fit their needs. This pre-audit review is happening now. Contact us on discord to get an invite.

Testnet Faucet Release

We’re preparing to release permissioned faucets for our tokens. Beyond being useful for developers building on Jasmine, we think they’re just a lot of fun to play with. If you’d like to mint yourself a million pretend nuclear Energy Attributes ask in our discord about getting permissioned for the faucet.

Community dApp Preview

Core members of our community will be able to demo our dApp on testnet. Feedback on the dApp will help make the mainnet deployment as smooth as possible. The surest way to participate in the dApp preview is to get involved in the community quests through our discord.

Community Quests

To celebrate the launch, we’re giving away 2023 Energy Attribute Tokens. With these tokens community members will be able to deposit into our first pool at launch and provide liquidity on Uniswap. The giveaway is running now and will be going a few weeks past launch. To learn about the quests that are available now and to be first to learn about future quests, join our discord.

