Jason Borrevik’s Top 3 Reasons to Play Sports as an Adult

Jason Borrevik
Jason Borrevik Blog
3 min readAug 15, 2019

Even if you’ve never touched a golf club or basketball before, it’s not too late. Most adults who have never taken up a sport may think that they’ve missed their chance. Even with limited sports experience, joining a community league can be a fun and engaging way of achieving your daily exercise. Today, Jason Borrevik, a lifelong sports fan who knows firsthand how sports can be beneficial, shares the top three ways that you can benefit by playing sports as an adult, whether are just starting out or a veteran of the sport.

1. It’s a more enjoyable way to reach your fitness goals

Finding the motivation to go for a run or to the gym can be difficult. Especially when trying to fit that time in around work and family. But carving out that chunk of time every couple day is much easier, if you’re doing an exercise that you enjoy. Jason Borrevik explains that playing a game of soccer or practicing for the next basketball game can burn just as many calories, if not more, thank your standard gym workout. Additionally, you’ll be less likely to put off or miss your practice time, since you know that your teammates are counting on you to be there. Finding a local league or group of friends who want to play a couple times a week will help keep you fit without you even realizing it. Playing sports has the opposite effect of stress as it can lead to lowered blood pressure and increase dopamine levels.

2. It’s a social hobby

Meeting people and making friends outside of the office can be tough. Chances are, you probably spend every Friday night with the same people, at the same bar. While Jason Borrevik knows that there’s nothing wrong with spending time with the same people, he believes that meeting some new friends can be a great way to make your socializing feel more fulfilling and interesting. You don’t need to be an extrovert just have some new people to talk to, joining a local sports league can help you meet new people who you can quickly grow close to, just by showing up.

3. Mental and psychological perks

Outside of the physical and social benefits, playing sports as an adult can also help your mind. The stress relief from an intense physical game can be a welcome addition to any professional’s busy life. Playing sports can also do wonders for your self-esteem, seeing yourself become more fit and improve in your skills. There are even more benefits that are harder to notice, but make a big difference, nonetheless. Improving your ability to work with others, reduce depression and anxiety, and sleep, sports are a way to improve your all around health.

As Jason Borrevik knows through his firsthand sports experience, anyone can gain some benefits from starting to play sports. Even as an adult, joining a local league of your favorite sport can help you improve yourself physically, socially, and mentally. Leading you towards a healthier, happier lifestyle. The only thing left to decide is what sport to start with.



Jason Borrevik
Jason Borrevik Blog

Jason Borrevik of Eugene, Oregon is a business professional that is also a hobby enthusiast and a sports fan.