Focus on Alenka Krč

Slovenia’s “fixer” extraordinaire

Jason Budd
Jason Budd
4 min readMar 21, 2019


Alenka Krč: Fixer extraordinaire

I first met Alenka Krč around ten years ago, by chance, when I was doing voiceovers for cash in Ljubljana. Well, I say it was by chance but really nothing Alenka Krč does is without purpose and the intent to do good in people’s lives. She asked me to stand in front of a camera, act out a skit, present my profile, do a few facial expressions and, before I knew it, I was representing a milk company on national TV. That’s typical Alenka.

To my surprise, a series of other adverts came — around two per year — for various supermarkets, telecommunications companies, awareness raising programs, etc. Guess who was always around to negotiate these deals for me? Yes, you guessed it. Alenka Krč. Now I should mention that I had no idea that I might be suitable for the jobs Alenka got for me, but she has an uncanny ability to see in us what we can’t always see ourselves.

Here I should make clear that this is only my personal experience. But I am by no means alone in being “fixed” by Alenka Krč. Thousands of others, too many to mention, have benefited from her help, getting them to realize potentials and skills they had no idea they even possessed. This in turn has helped thousands of brands, companies and campaigns around the world get the advert, music video, film or event they needed.

Alenka’s talent first started getting noticed when she co-arranged the casting for The Swan, the seminal Audi A5 advert released in 2012. Looking to get an edge, finance, insurance, real estate, banking and legal institutions then started turning to Alenka to help them find what they needed, with requests ranging from the obscure to the mundane. When a leading financial institution was on the lookout for a candidate with a particularly niche skill set in the region, no prizes for guessing who was assigned the task. Yes, that’s right. Alenka Krč. Yet again. Her reach and contacts extend into all industries and specialties, and her ability to find the right person extends far beyond just the entertainment industry.

Alenka’s surname “Krč” means “cramp” in English, which some would say is quite misleading. Cramps cause distress and discomfort, but Alenka generates the opposite effect. If you ever did have a cramp, then she would be among the best people in the world to have around you. She’d quickly find someone to figure out the type of cramp you’re having, as well as all suitable fixes — eating the right food, stretching, etc. Connecting people is how Alenka really comes into her own, helping you find the right person to help fix your situation. With a contact list running into the tens of thousands, it doesn’t matter what you need — Alenka Krč should be everyone’s first port of call in Central Europe.

With a golden touch that would put Midas himself to shame, Alenka has built up a strong portfolio of work over the years. She was casting director for not only the acclaimed Slovenian film Posledice (Consequences) but also Garnier and Unicef’s awareness raising efforts, taking the assistant director role too when helping the young actors on set feel comfortable. Alenka took on the same role for Mika and the French railway companies, TGV and the SNCF, in this well received project, which was followed up with the epic Botanic another notable highlight. More recently Alenka has been applying her significant talents to the efforts being made by the legal cannabis company Responsible Pot and the casting agency Fastcast.

Slovenian born and Ljubljana based, Alenka Krč began her career as a dancer to become one of the most connected fixers in the world. Never forgetting her origins, she takes a dancer’s approach to finding solutions to her clients’ challenges. She embodies grace, elegance, poise with what she does. After 15 years of experience in casting, production and scouting ,she has established a formidable reputation for bringing the right people together. And crucially at the right time.

If you’d like to find out more about Alenka Krč and how she can help fix your issue, whatever it may be, I recommend getting Fixer in your contact book right now. Alenka can also be found on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram. Although her skill is finding people, and she will find you eventually, you can speed up the inevitable by reaching out to Alenka now :)

