Hurricane Florence is approaching. How do we educate and prepare our students for these Monster Storms?

Roxine Deanne
JASON Learning
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2018

JASON Learning offers our thoughts and prayers to those in the path of Hurricane Florence. As the threat of the hurricane grows and communities prepare for the aftermath, we continue to think of all the ways we can help and support our communities to increase understanding of natural disasters. With Hurricane Harvey affecting the communities in Houston, Texas, Hurricane Irma and Maria causing significant devastation in Puerto Rico, and Hurricane Florence making its way to the Mid-Atlantic Coast, it’s apparent that these monster storms are occurring more often.

To help our students, teachers and communities understand how these storms originate, why they pose such a significant threat, and what can be done to mitigate the risk they present, we offer curriculum and STEM activities based on real science and real current events.

Our Monster Storms curriculum explore hurricanes, tornadoes and other extreme weather events to learn how research and technology helps us better understand, forecast, and prepare.

Learn more about Monster Storms

Discover how you can prepare yourself and your home for the devastating effects of hurricanes and other storm events. Meet scientist Shirley Murillo and learn how she collects wind and storm data that help meteorologists warn communities of hurricanes and other storm events.

Design Thinking Activity: Water Warriors
This design challenge will help students think about, prepare, and protect their communities from the aftermath of natural disasters.

Find out more about the Water Warriors Design Thinking Activity

We invite you to learn more about JASON Learning and how our curriculum can connect schools, students, and your community to real events with real science. Please visit to see more curriculum and to contact us.

You can follow the storm on the National Hurricane Center’s website:

Please be safe this weekend if you are in the path of the storm.



Roxine Deanne
JASON Learning

Aspiring writer who also has skills in event planning, graphic design, web design, and social media.