Alfira Sehun
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2018


CHAOEX Global Vision Expansion — Offline Meetup in Ulan-Ude

Since the birth of Bitcoin, the debate about digital currency has never stopped. Supporters call it a new social change, while opponents see it as illegal finance. Throughout the policies of countries around the world in terms of digital currency, some of them actively embrace digital currency; some countries just ban crypto; others imposed regulations… The attitude of the government regarding the digital currency has also been changing for several years.

Aiming international market, CHAOEX expand its business to Russia

On September 2, CHAOEX Exchange(HK) reportedly held its first offline meet-up in Ulan-Ude, Russia. This was the first time CHAOEX had met with Russian digital currency enthusiasts. CHAOEX was established in 2017 and the platform was primarily oriented at mainland Chinese users before “9.4 Policy” was imposed around China in 2017. CHAOEX has a natural advantage in acquiring mainland users and has accumulated more than 30,000 users in a year. After the new policy took effect, CHAOEX has turned its attention to the whole world, and the expansion process to be started in the Asia-Pacific region.

The reason why Russia was chosen as the starting station is first of all due to Russia’s policy of tolerance for digital currency. In March of this year, the Russian government threw out olive branches to miners around the world, not only providing support for electricity and hardware, but also opening up a number of industrial parks with convenient transportation and 7×24 hours of technical support services. In August, officials of the Russian Digital Currency Risk Assessment Department revealed that the Russian Digital Currency Act will be introduced soon. It will clarify the rights, responsibilities and obligations of the participants involved in the digital currency. So in the face of the good policy of Russia, CHAOEX wants to take the first lead before the big platforms cover the market. We hope that Russian digital currency enthusiasts can see the developmental potential of the small platform.

The purpose of CHAOEX’s trip to Ulan-Ude is to understand the sensitivity of the Russian market to the blockchain industry and the interests of digital currency enthusiasts. Through a three-day study, the CHAOEX team found that the Russian digital currency market has a certain number of users and blockchain groups, but the entire market is still in the early stages of development, and has huge potential to be developed. The meeting gathered a number of Russian digital currency KOL. Everyone praises CHAOEX’s current user experience and overall style, and is full of expectations for new functions such as the new version of the K-line integration and customized financial tools.

Based on the deep understanding of the industry, we are stepping into the brighter future

During the event devoted to the launch of the platform CHAOEX 2.0 version in June this year, CEO Jason Wang released the global strategy of CHAOEX to the media. He stated that starting from the second half of 2018, CHAOEX has been focusing on the promotion and community building of overseas markets and is planning to achieve a tenfold increase in the number of overseas communities until the middle of 2019. In order to achieve this goal, CHAOEX team conducted research on overseas user needs, researched the trading system as well as user experience of international mainstream websites such as Bitfinex, Polonie and Huobi Global Station. To meet the needs of overseas users, CHAOEX has started combing and developing the platform structure for the second time since early August and is expected to meet with users at the end of November. Based on one year of operational experience, CHAOEX team believe that the new trading version of CHAOEX can achieve the desired goals.

Under the current conditions of exchanges boom, it is not easy to stand out. As an emerging platform, CHAOEX competes with its deep understanding of the industry. CHAOEX believes that the exchange is the top of the blockchain industry and should work with the project side and investors to achieve mutual benefit and win-win cooperation to promote industry development. To this end, CHAOEX team also set off from the interests of the three parties in the selection of the project and the daily rules of the event, so that every participant is happy. At present, CHAOEX can provide trading services for more than 30 kinds of high-quality digital products such as BTC, ETH, TRX and SNGLS, and continue to carry out referral registration rewards, transaction rewards and node rewards. For example, in the ongoing referral registration activity, new users can get up to 38CHEX, and old users can be rewarded with up to 1200CHEX for inviting 50 users. In order to bring more value to users, the platform regulated that users You can apply for 1 virtual node for holding 100,000 CHEX and get a reward for the node every day. In the future, CHAOEX will provide users with more financial services such as position locking and node equity transfers.

Compliance is the first priority of CHAOEX operations. Currently, CHAOEX team is applying for an Estonian exchange license, and also pays attention to international policies in real time and seeks development opportunities all around the world. With the belief in blockchain technology and understanding of the industry, CHAOEX team believe that in the nearest future, CHAOEX — the “black horse” will stand out and let more users see new opportunities.

