Alfira Sehun
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2018


CHAOEX Platform Upgrades on August 17, 2018


1. Sliding verification CAD2 is changed to CDN to improve verification speed and success rate.

2. The number of CHEX node lock positions on the “Personal Center” page is adjusted to be an integer number.

3. The node application page has been added with a sliding function, which solves the problem of the interface being not fully displayed in English version.

4. Text “Platform today’s single-node revenue” was changed to “platform yesterday single-node revenue”, while being added with a note for the term.

5. The text and example diagram of KYC2 in English version are changed; for KYC2 in Chinese version, the step of uploading residence card image was removed, the text of hand-held certificate and personal signature as well as the example diagram were modified.


1. Sliding verification CAD2 is changed to CDN to improve verification speed and success rate.

2. Solved the problem of the APP being flashed back when the optional list is empty.

3. Solved the problem of the text of dialog box having no distinction between registration with E-mail and mobile phone, when the verification code was submitted.

4. Text “Platform today’s single-node revenue” was changed to “platform yesterday single-node revenue”, while being added with a note for the term.

5. The text and example diagram of KYC2 in English version are changed; for KYC2 in Chinese version, the step of uploading residence card image was removed, the text of hand-held certificate and personal signature as well as the example diagram were modified.


1. Text “Platform today’s single-node revenue” was changed to “platform yesterday single-node revenue”, while being added with a note for the term.

