How to install Jatana on Zendesk

Giovanni Toschi
Published in
6 min readMar 26, 2018


This How To Guide was first published on the Automation Blog by Jatana

Installing Jatana in your Zendesk account allows you to access powerful automation features like Automatic Macro Replies, Macro Suggestions, Automatic Ticket triage and more.

The installation process takes only a few minutes after which Jatana will be able to start training your custom made Artificial Intelligence engine.

Training of the engine can take anything from a few minutes to a few hours depending on the number of historic tickets that are stored inside your Zendesk account.

Once the training is complete, you’ll receive a confirmation email and you’ll be ready to start your Free-Trial of Jatana.

Enough with the introductions for now, let’s get moving!

NOTE: if at any point in the process you are not able to proceed, do not hesitate to contact our support team at:

You can also book a call with one of our experts that will guide through all the steps in the installation process.

To book a call to get help with the installation process click HERE

Step by step installation guide

Step 0: Make sure to be logged-out from Jatana

If you have decided to continue reading this tutorial despite the NOTE above, we can safely assume you have already created an account on Jatana.

Before proceeding with any other step in the installation process, make sure to SIGN-OUT from your account as show in the picture below.

To sign-out, you have to click on the user icon in the top-right corner of the page, you’ll then see the menu shown in the picture below, click sign-out and your are good to go.

Step 1: Install Jatana in your Zendesk account

At this point you are ready to start the installation process.

First, you have to find Jatana on the Zendesk App Marketplace, luckily for you, we have already done most of the work and you only need to click on THIS link and you’ll be redirected automatically.

Once you are on the Marketplace, click Install and you’ll be presented with the login form shown in the image below, click login or Install to start the installation.

NOTE: Usually the login form will be automatically pre-populated with your Zendesk subdomain. If the sub-domain field is blank you can fill it in yourself by copying the first part of your your Zendesk account URL as shown in the example below.

After logging-in, you’ll be redirected to your Zendesk account where you’ll be asked to confirm the installation. To confirm, click Install, as show on the image below.

The installation should take a few second and after the progress bar reaches 100% you should see a confirmation message on the top right corner of the page.

Congratulations! You have installed Jatana on your Zendesk account!

2. Connect your Jatana dashboard

Now that the installation is complete, you’ll have to connect your Jatana with the app that you have just installed inside Zendesk.

This step allows Jatana to access the record of historic conversation that are stored inside your Zendesk account and that will be used to train your custom Artificial Intelligence engine.

First, you’ll have to navigate to the VIEW section (1) and select any of the tickets in your cue, then you’ll have to toggle open the apps drawer by clicking on APPS (2) to be able to see the congratulations screen of Jatana and finally you’ll have to click GET STARTED (3) as shown in the picture below.

At this point, you will be redirected to a special signup form where you have the option to connect an existing Jatana dashboard. To proceed, click CONNECT EXISTING DASHBOARD as shown in the image below.

You will be redirected to a log-in form where you have to fill in the credentials that you have used to create your Jatana account and then click SIGN IN.

NOTE: if you have forgot your password, simply click FORGOT PASSWORD? and we’ll send you a link to reset your password.

Fantastic! Now your Jatana account is connected with the Jatana App you have installed in Zendesk and Jatana is ready to start the creation of your custom Artificial Intelligence engine.

3. Grant access and train the AI

To train your custom AI engine, Jatana needs access to your historical data. You can grant access directly from the HOME section of your Jatana account by clicking GRANT ACCESS.

At this point you’ll be redirected to a confirmation page where Zendesk will ask you to confirm access. Click CONFIRM and the training of the AI will start right away.

Awesome! You have successfully installed Jatana in your Zendesk account, then connected an existing dashboard and finally granted access to your data so that Jatana can create your custom AI engine.

Give yourself a round of applause!

Your custom built AI engine is being created and you will receive an email notification as soon as the training is complete.

At this point, you have the option to book a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our experts that will make sure you are set to make the most out of your Free Trial period.

To choose a time, simply click BOOK NOW and chose the time that is most convenient for you and your team.

4. Add the security token

As soon as the training of the AI engine is complete, Jatana will be able to understand requests coming from your customers, provide suggestions and automate some of the interactions.

To protect your privacy and that of your customers, we encrypt all the communications between Jatana and Zendesk. We do so using a security TOKEN that you can see directly from the SETTINGS page of your dashboard.

To make sure the suggestions coming from your custom AI engine can be decrypted exclusively by your Zendesk account, you’ll have to copy the TOKEN from the SETTINGS page of your Jatana account and paste it in the Jatana Token field inside Zendesk.

First, you’ll have to go to your SETTINGS page and copy the token by clicking COPY TOKEN as shown in the image below.

Then you’ll have to navigate to the App Configuration page in your Zendesk account. Once again, you can call yourself lucky!

We have already prepared a direct link to the app configuration page, you simple have to substitute [MYSUBDOMAIN] with your actual sub-domain:


And paste the token in the TOKEN FROM JATANA field shown below.

5. Celebrate!

It’s celebration time! You are ready to start automating customer support with Jatana and you’ll soon see how powerful your custom Artificial Intelligence engine can be.

On behalf of the whole Jatana team, I’m happy to welcome you to the family!



Giovanni Toschi

#AI Director @xtendops // 10+ years of tech hustle 💪 // Built and sold an AI startup before ChatGPT was cool 😎