Introducing Jatana

Experience the future of AI-powered customer service

Francesco Stasi


Back in 2016, we started our journey to bring Artificial Intelligence and conversational interfaces to brands in Scandinavia and around the world.

Ever since, we have been lucky enough to work on multiple projects and exciting applications of Artificial Intelligence, like running Capsule Net on Tensorflow, work on generative model chatbots and building our proprietary NLP framework.

We continuously pushed our limits and relentlessly tried to achieve our goals, while collaborating with some of the leading tech companies in the world.

While we were busy executing our plan, we have always kept an eye open to new, technically advanced and scalable AI solutions. We looked at how we could implement AI in radically new ways, and as a result of this continuous effort, we are now happy to introduce our latest venture, Jatana.

Jatana automates customer service with deep learning, and we believe it represents the future of AI-powered customer service.

The vision

Jatana’s vision is to empower customer support teams with speed and accuracy at scale!

Speed and accuracy have always been considered mutually exclusive.

You can’t move very fast when you look at every detail or be very accurate when you move at warp speed.

That’s why we have built Jatana.

Jatana brings speed to the help desk by automating replies to support requests so your agents can focus on the important details that make your customers go WOW!

How does Jatana creates value?

Boost Agent Productivity

Jatana suggests the best answer to every support request so that your agents don’t have to write manually every time.

Reduce Processing Time

Set a confidence threshold and Jatana will reply to every support request without the need for a support agent to intervene.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

Deliver immediate gratification to your loyal customers waiting for answers and pave the way for an increase in future sales.

How does Jatana works?

Jatana is a deep learning based Saas solution that integrates directly with your help desk software of choice to automate processes related to customer service.

1) Jatana connects to your help desk platform

It all starts when you connect your help desk platform. At this point, Jatana analyzes your historic data to learn how you, your team and your customers communicate.

Jatana is available on multiple help desk and CRM platforms and can easily be integrated through API

And can easily be connected to your proprietary system via API

2) We train a deep neural network and create a model based on your data

The way you communicate with your customers is specific to you and your business and that’s why we create a custom model for each client. It wouldn’t make sense to use the same model to process customer service requests from small startups and Fortune500 companies alike.

3) Jatana suggests replies to your agents to become more productive

Once the training is complete and the model is deployed, Jatana is ready to get to work. For every email you receive from customers, Jatana will suggest to your agents the best way to reply to that specific email.

At the same time, Jatana will also categorize, tag and forward the message to the right agent automatically. No more boring work for your agents!

4) Jatana replies to customers without agent supervision

Once you get acquainted with the way it works, you will want to take a step back and let Jatana reply directly without agent supervision. This is where it gets interesting!

You’ll be able to focus on the issues that add real value to your customers while Jatana takes care of all the boring and routinary interactions that bring no added value to your business!

Who we are

At Jatana, we leverage the Internet to connect the brightest people around the world.

While we have our HQ in Copenhagen, we tap into a decentralized network of AI scientists and partners to co-create AI that drives better customer centric experiences.

We do so because we firmly believe that global collaboration is the key to deliver the better performing AI solutions to our customers and to positively impact their business.

Our team sits across continents, giving us the ability to provide support to our customers around the clock, as well as to build a mutually beneficial network where the benefit for one will indirectly benefit the rest.

We aim at building one of the most unique and fulfilling workplaces that exist, by rethinking a lot of traditional practices.

We keep calling this “#wecocreate”.

Let the journey begin

We are excited about the future.

For every question, feedback, potential interest in adopting Jatana please reach out at

Thank you,
and stay tuned!



Francesco Stasi
Editor for

Founder at @BotSupplyHQ & @JatanaHQ and passionate about borderless workforce