Email Archiving Imperatives for Every Company

Stevan Stevanovic
Jatheon Technologies Inc
3 min readJun 30, 2017

Let’s start with the basics. Have you ever heard of email archiving? You probably have or you wouldn’t be visiting our humble blog. Email archiving is an IT solution that works with email servers like Microsoft Exchange, Lotus and others to provide a quick archiving service with easy discovery and retrieval of archived messages. Now, you might wonder why an organization would need email archiving in the first place. The reasons are plentiful, but today we’ll focus on the two most common drivers towards email archiving: compliance and data storage.

Dealing with compliance regulations

Most industries have their hands tied under numerous regulations and laws. Those in the financial, healthcare, education and professional services, as well as in the government sector often struggle to respond to strict demands set by regulatory compliance. All these organizations are faced with eDiscovery woes and litigation fears that can lead to penalties if the email isn’t handled in a compliant manner. Given that the number of emails is constantly growing, combined with messages on various IM platforms, it can be VERY difficult for both small and larger companies to handle so much data. Luckily, email archiving is there to eliminate all of these issues.

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you have. Using email daily is reason enough to archive it.

The ever-growing number of emails

No matter the size of the organization, data is always going to be a concern. Most organizations process a lot of data, and that means dealing with a lot of email communication. You can have a “big data” problem even if you’re a small company, and email can be a huge part of this issue. It multiplies every day and can soon become a serious burden. Email archiving acts as a tool that provides easy storage and retrieval and the architecture required to deal with massive email traffic.

You can have a “big data” problem even if you’re a small company, and email can be a huge part of it.

Therefore, it doesn’t really matter what kind of an organization you have ‒ a small or large company or a business with five, five hundred or five thousand employees. Using email as a means of communication is reason enough to archive it properly. And with solutions available for all sizes, Jatheon can help eliminate all compliance and data storage issues.

To get detailed information about email archiving and how it can help your company to manage email, download our free eBook “8 Ways of Managing Your Company’s Email Effectively with Email Archiving” by clicking on the link below.

