Java Non-Access Modifiers: static, abstract, final

Nemanja Žunić
Java Vault
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018

Continuing from the previous post, its time to talk about the second group of Java Modifiers — Non-Access Modifiers.

These modifiers are used to describe a specific behavior of a variable or a method.

I’ll focus only on the most common Non-Access Modifiers:

  1. static
  2. abstract
  3. final

static Modifier

This modifier is used to create a class variable or a method which can be accessed without a class instance — object.

It’s like binding a variable or a method to the class name.

static variable

If we have a simple class like:

declaring a static variable

We access the creditCard variable like: Person.creditCardNumber; or in the standard way by creating an object:

accessing a static variable

Although we can have many instances of Person class, we have only one creditCardNumber variable, which is shared among all the instances.

This code:

chaning value of a static variable

Will result in "13" being printed to the console. Thats because both first and second objects share the same creditCardNumber variable. They both can access and modify it.

Many people mix the static modifier with the Access Modifiers. They think that those two somehow affect each other. But the reality is, they don’t.

static is only saying that we don’t need a class instance to access a variable or a method. It says nothing about where can we access those variables and methods from.

Key point is to use static variable when we want to share the same variable between all the class instances. For an example, when we need to use constants which all the class instances need to have access to.

static method

Same as with the static variables, we don’t need a class instance to call static methods.

defining a static method

Here, method shoutSomething can be called: Logger.shoutSomething();

static methods can only access its parameters and other static methods and static variables. static method cannot access variables and methods of the class that are not declared static.

It’s a good idea to declare a method static if doesn’t manipulate the class it’s in. Or if the method only operates on its parameters.

Good examples of classes with static methods are util and helper classes. Like Math or LocalDateTime.

static block

Its a block of code used to initialize static variables of a class.

using static block in a class

Here we can see that we initialized something variable to "smthing!!” from the static block.

static block is really useful when we need several steps to initialize a static variable. For example, if we want our static attribute to be a List of several elements within. We can do this from thestatic block:

using a static block in a class to initialize a List

abstract Modifier

abstract Modifier can be used with a method or a class.

abstract method

When we declare a method as abstract we do not provide its implementation in the class its located in.

For example:

declaring an abstract method

Here we have doWork() method which is declared as abstract.

There is no implementation of the doWork() method provided.

abstract class

A class which contains an abstract method must be declared as an abstract class.

defining an abstract class and abstract method

We can see in the example that Airplane class was declared abstract.

Aside from abstract methods, anabstract class can contain non-abstract variables and methods, same as every other class.

An abstract class cannot be instantiated.

So this is quite an odd combination. To recap, an abstract class has variables and methods, same as every other class. But additionally, it has method declarations ( abstract methods). And it cannot be instantiated. So how can this be useful?

The trick is, that when a class extends an abstract class, it must provide an implementation for all of the abstract methods of the parent class.

We enforce all subclasses of the abstract class to contain a specific method with a specific name, return type and parameters. But leave it to subclasses to define what those methods do:

extending abstract class

Note that both Bomber and Transporter planes have name attribute set to "Ilyushin". They also both have doWork() method but with different implementations.

This behavior is the basis for polymorphism, design patterns…

final Modifier

final modifier can be used with classes, methods or variables.

final Class

When we declare a class as final we cannot extend it with other classes.

defining a final class

So this code would be invalid:

trying to extend the final class

final Method

When we declare a method as final we cannot override it from the subclass.

defining a final method

Trying to override doTheDishes() method from the subclass would result in an error:

trying to override the final method

final Variable

final variables can be declared and initialized at the same time:

declaring and initializing a final variable

Or they can be declared blank and initialized in a static block:

declaring a final variable and later initializing it via static block

Once initialized, their value cannot be changed. Trying to change the value of the TRUTH variable results in an error.

If a final variable is a reference to an object:

final variable pointing to an object

it cannot be reasigned, this code will result in an error:

trying to reassingn the final pointer to an object

but the Object it points to can be changed, code below is valid:

changing the object final variable points to


This concludes my two-part series on Java Modifiers 😅 there are a few more modifiers that I didn’t mention in this post. But I’d have to go into Multi-Threading to explain those.

Hope you find the post helpful, feel free to leave a comment or a suggestion. Show your support by clapping or a follow 😄

Stay tuned for more… Cheers everybody 🍸



Nemanja Žunić
Java Vault

I write sentences that make the magic happen (software developer, basically the same thing).