reduce in java 8 streams basic understanding.

aditya chaudhari
JavaDeveloperDiary — JDD
2 min readOct 17, 2021
reduce function in java 8

Using reduce, stream is reduces to a value, in functional paradigm it’s also called as fold.
Reduce is terminal operation in stream API which helps to reduce stream of values to a single value.

Use the reduce operation when you’ve got a collection of values and you want
to generate a single result.

Example code below :

using reduce in java8

Below are the definition for reduce methods.

In example above , line 22 we have used reduce to sum up numbers by providing initial value to consider which is 0. If we do not want to provide initial value its fine , we have overloaded method without initial value only difference is this returns Optional as a return type to handle case where stream could be empty.(Example : line 36).

out of the box operations on primitives like sum, min, max etc are internally use reduce function.

Hope it helps , next time you have a situation where you want to narrow stream to choose only one result based on business logic you ll definitely use reduce.

Thanks for reading.
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aditya chaudhari
JavaDeveloperDiary — JDD

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