Java’s Leap in Productivity: Unnamed Variables & Patterns

“Java 22: Where Code Meets Clarity” — Discover the simplicity revolution.

Eidan Khan
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Java 22 introduces a feature that’s like having a smart assistant in your kitchen who knows exactly when to step in and when to stay out of the way. This assistant is the new Unnamed Variables & Patterns.

What are Unnamed Variables & Patterns?

Imagine you’re making a list of groceries to buy, but there are some items you’re unsure about purchasing. Instead of writing down specific names, you just put a question mark. In Java 22, this question mark is like the underscore (_). It tells Java, “I know I need to mention this, but I’m not going to use it.” So, it’s there, but it’s anonymous, and you can’t accidentally grab it when you’re coding.

Patterns: The Secret Sauce of Java’s Kitchen

In Java, patterns are like recipes that tell the program how to handle different types of data. They’re a set of rules that the data must follow, much like how ingredients must be combined in a specific way to create a dish.

The Magic of Unnamed Variables in Java 22

Before JEP 456, you had to name every ingredient, even if you weren’t going to use it. It’s like having a spice rack full of spices you never use, but you label them anyway. Now, with unnamed variables, you can just put an underscore (_) where the name would go, acknowledging the ingredient without cluttering your recipe.

Practical Use Cases

Filtering with Java Streams API

Let’s say you’re filtering a list of transactions to find all the transactions over a certain amount. Previously, you might have written:
.filter(transaction -> transaction.getAmount() > 1000)
.forEach(transaction -> System.out.println(transaction));

With JEP 456, you can simplify this by using an unnamed variable for the forEach if you don’t need to use the transaction object itself:
.filter(transaction -> transaction.getAmount() > 1000)
.forEach(_ -> System.out.println("High-value transaction detected!"));

This tells Java, “I know there’s a transaction here, but I don’t need to inspect it further.” It’s perfect for when you’re more interested in the occurrence of an event rather than the event details.

Streamlining Exception Handling

Consider the scenario where you’re handling multiple types of exceptions but performing the same action for each:

try {
} catch (IOException e) {
logError("IO issue occurred");
} catch (SQLException e) {
logError("SQL issue occurred");

With JEP 456, you can simplify this by using unnamed variables, making the code cleaner:

try {
} catch (IOException | SQLException _) {
logError("An issue occurred");

This approach tells Java, “I know an exception might occur here, but I don’t need to differentiate between them.” It’s perfect for when you’re handling multiple exceptions in the same way.

By adopting JEP 456, developers can whip up code that’s as clean and efficient as a professional chef’s kitchen, where everything serves a purpose, and there’s no unnecessary clutter.

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Eidan Khan

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