Mastering Spring Boot Profiles: From Development to Production

“Unlocking Spring Boot’s Hidden Powers: A Journey Through Profiles and Secrets”

Eidan Khan
3 min readApr 15, 2024


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Imagine our Spring Boot application as a bustling university campus. Each department within the university has its unique characteristics, just like Spring Boot profiles. These profiles allow us to tailor our application’s behavior based on the environment it’s running in. So, let’s embark on this academic journey and explore the secrets of Spring Boot profiles!

Why Use Spring Boot Profiles?

  • Environment-Specific Configuration: Just as students choose different majors based on their interests, our application can adapt to different environments (e.g., development, testing, production) using profiles.
  • Separation of Concerns: Profiles help us separate concerns related to configuration, secrets, and behavior. We can define specific settings for each environment without cluttering our codebase.
  • Smooth Transitions: Moving from one environment to another (e.g., from development to production) becomes seamless. Profiles ensure that our application behaves consistently across different stages.

Now, let’s dive into the details of creating and managing Spring Boot profiles! 🎓🌟

What If You Could Create Custom Profiles?

  1. Creating Custom Profiles: Imagine creating a new department for a specialized field of study. Similarly, we can create custom profiles in Spring Boot. For instance, let’s create a dev profile for development.
  2. Activating Profiles: To join a department, students declare their major. In Spring Boot, we activate profiles using properties files, YAML, or command-line arguments. For our dev profile, we’ll set

Navigating Profile-Specific Beans

Conditional Bean Creation: Just as certain courses are offered only to specific majors; we can conditionally create beans based on profiles. For example, let’s create a DevDatasourceConfig bean that’s active only during development.

public class DevDatasourceConfig {
// Configuration for development environment

Use Cases: Different data sources (like different subjects) or caching strategies (like study techniques) can be profile specific.

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Practical Example — Configuring Spring Boot Profiles

Create a New Spring Boot Project: Start by creating a fresh Spring Boot project using your favorite IDE or the Spring Initializer.

Define Profiles in

  • Open the src/main/resources/ file.
  • Add the following line to activate the dev profile:

Create Profile-Specific Beans:

  • Create a DevComponent bean that prints the environment (just like a student logging into their department):
public class DevComponent {
private String environment;

public void log() {
System.out.println("Environment: " + environment);
  • Similarly, create a QAComponent bean for the qa profile.

Create Profile-Specific Properties Files:

  • Create and files in the src/main/resources directory.
  • Define environment-specific properties in each file:
env=In Dev environment

env=In QA environment

Run Your Application:

  • Start your Spring Boot application.
  • Observe the console output based on the active profile.

Safeguarding Secrets — A Confidential Mission

  1. Security Concerns: In our university analogy, secrets are like confidential research data. We need to handle them carefully.
  2. Best Practices: Avoid hardcoding secrets directly in the code. Instead, consider using Spring Vault or environment-specific property files (like secure lockers).

Smooth Transition: From Dev to Prod

  1. Deployment Strategies: Moving from one department to another (e.g., from development to production) requires a smooth transition. Avoid hardcoding environment-specific values.
  2. Thorough Testing: Before graduation, students take final exams. Similarly, thoroughly test your profiles to ensure a successful transition.

We appreciate your time spent exploring the world of Spring Boot profiles with us. Just like students navigating university departments, you’ve delved into the intricacies of profiles, beans, and secrets. Your curiosity fuels our passion for writing.

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May your Spring Boot journey be as smooth as a graduation day handshake.

Happy profiling! 🎓🚀



Eidan Khan

🚀 Full-stack Dev | Tech Content Creator 📝 For more in-depth articles, tutorials, and insights, visit my blog at