Spring Boot and the Magic of Externalized Configuration: A Practical Guide

“Remember the last time you scrambled to change a setting for a new environment? With Spring Boot, those days are over thanks to externalized configuration.”

Eidan Khan
8 min readApr 10, 2024


In the ever-evolving world of software development, adaptability is key. Spring Boot, a powerhouse in the Java ecosystem, offers a feature known as externalized configuration that brings this adaptability to your application settings.

What is Externalized Configuration?

Externalized configuration refers to the practice of keeping configuration parameters outside your application’s packaged code. It means you can maintain settings like database URLs, API keys, and feature flags separate from your codebase. Spring Boot supports various external sources for these configurations, such as:

  • Properties files (.properties)
  • YAML files (.yml)
  • Environment variables
  • Command-line arguments

Why Use Externalized Configuration?

For beginners, embracing externalized configuration offers several benefits:

  • Flexibility: Easily switch between different environments (development, testing, production) without changing the code.
  • Security: Keep sensitive information like passwords and API keys out of your version control system.
  • Maintainability: Update configuration values without the need for recompiling or redeploying your application.
  • Scalability: Manage settings for multiple instances of your application seamlessly.

By externalizing configurations, you empower your Spring Boot application to be more dynamic and responsive to the environment it runs in, making it a smart choice for modern application development.

1 — The What and Why of Externalized Configuration

Understanding Externalized Configuration in Banking Terms

In the financial world, a central bank manages the currency and monetary policy for its entire nation. Similarly, in Spring Boot, externalized configuration is the central management system for all your application settings. It allows you to adjust the “economic policies” of your application — its configurations — without rewriting the “constitution” — the code.

Solving Configuration Challenges with Centralized Control

Before the advent of centralized banking, managing money was like painting your house for every economic change — a laborious and impractical process. Externalized configuration introduces the concept of a central bank to your applications, allowing you to swap out “monetary policies” with ease, adapting to the “economic climate” without the need for a complete overhaul.

The Preferred Approach: Flexibility and Control

Just as a central bank offers a universal framework for financial stability across different regions, externalized configuration provides a unified approach to manage settings across various environments. Whether your application is running in a “local branch” (development), “regional office” (testing), or “headquarters” (production), Spring Boot’s externalized configuration ensures that it operates under the optimal conditions for each scenario.

2 — Spring Boot Configuration Basics

Spring Boot — The Central Bank of Your Application

Just as a central bank controls the flow of money in the economy, Spring Boot orchestrates the flow of properties throughout your application. It ensures that every component gets the configuration it needs to operate efficiently, just like businesses rely on a central bank for financial stability.

Managing Application Properties — The Bank Accounts

In the banking world, you have different types of accounts for different purposes — savings, checking, and loans. Similarly, Spring Boot manages application properties through various sources — properties files, YAML files, environment variables, and command-line arguments. Each source serves a specific purpose, much like each bank account does.

The Hierarchy of Property Sources — The Financial Chain of Command

  1. Command-line arguments — These are like urgent wire transfers that take top priority. They override any existing instructions, ensuring immediate action.
  2. JVM system properties — Consider these as standing orders from corporate headquarters. They’re important and carry a lot of weight, but they’ll yield to a wire transfer.
  3. OS environment variables — These are like the local branch decisions. They’re specific to the environment and provide context-sensitive configurations.
  4. Application properties — Think of these as your standard transactions. They’re the default operations that keep the business running day-to-day.
  5. Default properties — And finally, the default properties are like the foundational banking regulations. They provide the base rules that everything else builds upon.

3 — Diving into Externalized Configuration

The Various Currencies of Externalized Configuration

In the banking sector, different currencies serve different nations. Similarly, in Spring Boot, various types of externalized configurations serve different purposes:

  • Properties files: These are like the common currency, widely accepted and easy to use.
  • YAML files: Consider these as the high-value notes, offering more structure and hierarchy in the configuration.
  • Environment variables: These are like foreign exchange, perfect for overriding local settings when deploying across different environments.
  • Command-line arguments: Think of these as traveler’s checks, providing on-the-go configuration changes at runtime.

Annotations — The Financial Instruments

Just as a central bank uses various financial instruments to manage the economy, Spring Boot uses annotations to manage externalized configurations:

  • @Value: This is like a direct debit, pulling a single value from your account (properties) and injecting it into your application.
  • @ConfigurationProperties: These are like setting up a savings plan, grouping related properties together into a bean for easy access and management.
  • @PropertySource: Consider this as opening a new branch, allowing you to add additional property files to your application’s environment.

Practical Examples — Transactions in Action

Let’s see how these annotations work with some practical examples:

public class CurrencyProperties {

private String currencyName;

// Using @Value to inject a single property
public void printCurrencyName() {
System.out.println("Currency Name: " + currencyName);

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "currency")
public class CurrencyConfig {

private String name;
private String symbol;

// Using @ConfigurationProperties to bind related properties
public void printCurrencyDetails() {
System.out.println("Currency Name: " + name + ", Symbol: " + symbol);

public class AdditionalCurrencyConfig {
// Using @PropertySource to add additional property sources

In these examples, @Value pulls a single value, @ConfigurationProperties binds related properties to a bean, and @PropertySource adds a new set of properties to the application context.

# application.properties

# Currency properties for @Value annotation

# Currency properties for @ConfigurationProperties annotation
currency.name=European Euro

In the application.properties file, we’ve defined properties for the currency name and symbol. These properties will be accessed by the Spring Boot application using the @Value and @ConfigurationProperties annotations, as shown in the previous examples.

Now, when the application runs, it will use these properties to configure the beans accordingly, allowing for easy changes and management of the application’s configuration without altering the codebase. This is the essence of externalized configuration in Spring Boot, providing a flexible and maintainable approach to application development.

4 — Hands-On Example

Setting Up Your Financial Branches — Externalized Configuration

Just as a central bank sets up different branches to serve various communities, we’ll set up different profiles in Spring Boot to serve different environments — development (dev), testing (test), and production (prod).

Step 1 — Creating Configuration Files

Think of these files as establishing different bank branches. Each branch (profile) has its own set of rules (properties).

# application-dev.properties
app.message=This is the development environment!

# application-test.properties
app.message=This is the test environment!

# application-prod.properties
app.message=This is the production environment!

Step 2 — Writing the Spring Boot Application

Now, we’ll write the core application, akin to the central bank’s operations, which will adapt based on the active branch (profile).

public class ExternalConfigApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(ExternalConfigApplication.class, args);

class ProfileController {

private String message;

public String getMessage() {
return message;

Step 3 — Running with Profiles

To activate a specific profile, you’ll use the spring.profiles.active property, similar to choosing which branch to transact with.

# To run the development profile
java -jar app.jar --spring.profiles.active=dev

# To run the test profile
java -jar app.jar --spring.profiles.active=test

# To run the production profile
java -jar app.jar --spring.profiles.active=prod

Step 4 — Verifying the Active Profile

When you visit http://localhost:[port]/, you’ll receive a message indicating which environment you’re currently in, just as you’d know which bank branch you’re transacting with based on the services available.

This hands-on example demonstrates how to set up and switch between different environments in Spring Boot using profiles, providing a practical guide to managing externalized configurations.

5 — Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Best Practices for Managing Configurations

Managing configurations in Spring Boot can be likened to maintaining a robust financial system within a central bank. Here are some best practices to ensure your application’s configuration is as secure and efficient as a bank’s operations:

  1. Keep Secrets Secret: Just as a bank keeps its vault secure, always externalize sensitive information like passwords and API keys using environment variables or secure configuration servers.
  2. Use Profiles Wisely: Profiles are like the different departments within a bank, each tailored for specific operations. Use Spring profiles to separate configuration settings for different environments (dev, test, prod).
  3. Prefer Configuration over Hardcoding: Avoid hardcoding values in your code. Instead, use @Value and @ConfigurationProperties to keep your application flexible and environment-independent.
  4. Version Control Your Configuration: Treat your configuration files like important financial records. Keep them in version control, but ensure sensitive details are not pushed to public repositories.
  5. Refresh Scope for Dynamic Changes: Utilize Spring’s @RefreshScope for beans that need to be reloaded when configuration changes, similar to how a bank updates its systems to reflect current financial policies.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Even the most secure systems have vulnerabilities, and the same goes for application configurations. Here are common pitfalls and how to avoid them:

  1. Overriding Important Defaults: Spring Boot provides sensible defaults. Be cautious when overriding these; it’s like changing the foundational policies of a bank without proper authorization.
  2. Ignoring Property Source Order: The order in which properties are loaded is crucial. Ignoring this is like mismanaging the hierarchy of financial authority, leading to confusion and errors.
  3. Misusing Profiles: Using too many profiles or not using them when necessary can complicate your configuration management. It’s like a bank having too many departments or not enough — both scenarios lead to inefficiency.
  4. Hardcoding Sensitive Information: Never hardcode sensitive information. It’s akin to leaving the bank vault open — always use secure methods to externalize such data.
  5. Not Testing Configurations: Always test your configurations in an environment similar to production. Failing to do so is like a bank not auditing its accounts, which can lead to unexpected discrepancies.

By following these tips and being aware of common pitfalls, you can manage your Spring Boot configurations as securely and efficiently as a central bank manages its operations.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this practical story on the power of externalized configuration in Spring Boot. If so, give us a thumbs up, share your thoughts, and let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to explore. Your engagement fuels our journey into the vast world of coding. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more tales from the trenches of technology! 🚀



Eidan Khan

🚀 Full-stack Dev | Tech Content Creator 📝 For more in-depth articles, tutorials, and insights, visit my blog at JavaJams.org.