10 Best R Programming Courses for Data Science and Statistics in 2024

My favorite online courses to learn R programming language for Data Science and Statistics from Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning

13 min readMar 10, 2021


10 Best R Programming Courses for Data Science and Statistics
image_credit — R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

If you want to learn R programming and looking for the best online training courses, classes, and tutorials then you have come to the right place. In the past, I have shared free courses to learn R and in this article, you will find the best R programming courses from Udemy, Coursera, and edX.

Disclosure — Btw, some of these links are affiliate links and I may get paid if you join these courses using my links.

These courses have been created by experts and are highly recommended for both beginners and people using the R programming language without having in-depth knowledge. You can use them to learn both basic and advanced concepts of R programming, tools like R Studio, and best practices.

If you are interested in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Statistics then you may have come across the R programming language, one of the best for those jobs. R is a language and environment created for working with statistical computing and graphics.

Now, coming back to the R programming language itself. It is an open GNU project similar to the S language. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences between them, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R.

This language provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques and is highly extensible because of its open-source community, which is constantly supporting and adding features. The S language is often the vehicle of choice for research in statistical methodology, and R provides an Open Source route to participation in that activity.

R is available under the terms of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU General Public License in source code form. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

It is also a language that ultimately has grown a lot of importance because it is really useful to work with big data and IA implementations.

10 Best Online courses to learn R Programming for Beginners and Experienced Programmers in 20243

Here is the list of best online courses to learn R Programming from Udemy, Coursera, Datacamp, Educative, LinkedIn Learning, and edX to learn this useful skill online. These courses have been created by experts and trusted by thousands of developers around the world.

They are also very affordable, especially the R programming courses from Udemy which you can buy for just $10 on Udemy sales, which happens regularly.

1. R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises!

This is the best R programming course on Udemy and created and delivered by none other than Kirill Eremenko and his SuperDataScience team, which have created the best online courses on data science, and Machine learning on Udemy.

To complete this course you just need to have some high school mathematics level. It is for anyone interested in R programming, Data Science, and Data Analytics, or any people who are not that comfortable coding but who are interested in Data Science and want to apply it easily on datasets.

This course has been designed by two professional Data Scientists that will teach help you learn complex theories, algorithms, and coding libraries in a simple way.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

When you buy it, you instantly have life access to 10.5 hours of video, 6 articles, and 38 downloadable resources.

Here is the link to join this best R course R Programming A-Z

best Udemy course to learn R programming

2. R Programming for Statistics and Data Science 2024

This Udemy course meant to learn the fundamentals of programming in R has a lot of resources and support for beginners. The tutorial will be fun for you if you like Star Wars or Pokémon because some examples are based on them.

Here are the key skills you will learn in this course:

  • How to work with R’s conditional statements, functions, and loops
  • Getting your data in and out of R
  • Understand and carry out regression analysis in R
  • Learn the fundamentals of statistics and apply them in practice
  • Systematically explore data in R
  • Build your functions in R

The course has a lot of support documentation, it has a total of 38 articles and 34 resources. All explained in less than 7 hours of videos.

Here is the link to join this Udemy courseR Programming for Statistics and Data Science 2024

best online course to learn R programming

3. R Programming by Johns Hopkins [Coursera]

This is another awesome online course to learn R Programming from scratch on Coursera. This is a massively popular course with more than 600,000 students.

In this Coursera course, you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. It will teach you how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language.

The course also covers practical issues in statistical computing which include programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting on R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples.

Here is the link to join this course R Programming by Johns Hopkins

best Coursera course to learn R programming

Also, this course can be applied to multiple Specializations or Professional Certificates programs. Completing this course will count towards your learning in any of the following programs:

Overall a great course to learn R Programming from scratch in 2024. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn R for Data Science or Statistics.

4. Learn R from Scratch [Educative]

This course is a bit different than previous R programming courses because it's a text-based interactive course from Educative. Reading is generally faster than watching and that’s why I like text-based courses.

This interactive R programming course will get you up to speed and assumes no prior knowledge of R. You’ll start with the very basics and work your way up to advanced concepts like exception handling.

The good thing about the Educative platform is that it allows you to run code directly in your browser which means you don’t need to set up anything initially. This is a big boost as most of the popular stuck while installing software and getting them set upright.

By the time you’re done, you’ll be able to write detailed, useful code in R yourself.

Here is the link to join this course Learn R from Scratch

best Educative course to learn R programming

And, if you find an Educative platform and their Grokking courses like Grokking the Machine Learning Interview then consider getting an Educative Subscription which provides access to their 100+ courses for just $18 per month. It’s very cost-effective and great for preparing for coding interviews.

5. Data Science: R Basics from Harvard University [edX]

This course taught by Rafael Irizarry is meant to build a foundation in R and learn how to wrangle, analyze, and visualize data. It will introduce you to the basics of R programming. Based on some real-world datasets about crime in the United States.

You will learn:

  • The basic R syntax
  • R programming concepts such as data types, vectors arithmetic, and indexing
  • Performing operations in R including sorting, data wrangling using dplyr, and making plots

You will learn the R skills needed to answer essential questions about differences in crime across the different states. The course is free to enroll in and in the end, you can buy the certificate spelled by Harvard if you want it.

Here is the link to join this course Data Science: R Basics from Harvard University

best edx course to learn R programming

6. Statistics with R by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel [Coursera]

In this complete course, you will produce a portfolio of data analysis projects from the Specialization that demonstrates mastery of statistical data analysis.

Will making it you will learn:

  • How to analyze and visualize data in R, creating reproducible data analysis reports.
  • Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the unified nature of statistical inference
  • Understand natural phenomena and make data-based decisions performing frequentist and Bayesian statistical inference and modeling to communicate statistical results correctly.
  • Critique data-based claims and evaluated data-based decisions, and wrangle and visualize data with R packages for data analysis.

The course is meant for dedicating to it 3 hours a week for 7 months, but you can adapt it however you want it. This course is offered by Duke University.

Here is the link to join this course Statistics with R

best R programming course on Coursera

And, if you find Coursera certifications useful then you should also join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which provides you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth your money as you get unlimited certificates

7. Statistics for Data Analysis Using R by Sandeep Kumar [Udemy]

This course is meant for beginners with some programming experience and knowledge of advanced mathematics like statistics. It first teaches the aspects needed of mathematics and statistics and then it applies it to the R language. The tutorial is a combination of theory and practice.

During the course, you will see the following points:

  • Learn the basic statistical concepts
  • Application of these concepts using R Studio.
  • Mastering some statistical concepts and techniques.
  • Probability Distributions — Normal, Binomial and Poisson
  • You will learn R programming from the beginning level.

The course includes lifetime access to 12,5 video hours, 13 articles, and 36 resources available to download.

Here is the link to join this R Course Statistics for Data Analysis Using R

best R programming course on Udemy

8. R for Data Science: Lunchbreak Lessons [LinkedIn Learning]

Programming is learned in small bits. First, you build on basic concepts. You transfer the knowledge you already have to the next language. That's where these Lunchbreak lessons from LinkedIn Learning really come in handy.

Lunch Break Lessons teaches R — one of the most popular programming languages for data analysis and reporting — in short lessons that expand on what existing programmers already know.

In this series, you will review language basics, discover methods to improve existing R code, explore new and interesting features, and learn about useful development tools and libraries that will make your time programming with R that much more productive.

Here is the link to join this series — R for Data Science: Lunchbreak Lessons

best R programming course on LinkedIn Learning

By the way, you would need a LinkedIn Learning membership to watch this course which costs around $29.99 per month but you can also watch this course for FREE by taking their 1-month-free-trail which is a great way to explore their 16000+ online courses on the latest technology.

9. R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science [Udemy]

This is an intermediate and advanced course on R programming for experienced programmers and Data Scientists. You can join this course to take your R & R Studio skills to the next level.

Created by none other than Kirill Eremenko, one of the best Udemy instructors and Data Science experts, this course is perfect for anyone who wants to master analytics in R.

Here are the key skills you will learn in this course —

  • How to prepare data for analysis in R
  • How to perform the median imputation method in R
  • How to work with date-times in R
  • What Lists are and how to use them
  • What the Apply family of functions is
  • How to use apply(), lapply() and sapply() instead of loops
  • How to nest your own functions within apply-type functions
  • How to nest apply(), lapply() and sapply() functions within each other

Overall a great Professional R training course with, unique datasets designed with years of industry experience in mind, engaging exercises that are both fun and also give you a taste for Analytics of the real world.

Here is the link to join this courseR Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science

10 Best R Programming Courses for Data Science and Statistics

10. R Programming — R Language for Absolute Beginners

This Udemy course is very special to me as its created especially for absolute beginners. This R Programming course is suitable for everyone, no coding experience or statistics background is needed.

Here are things you will learn in this course:

  • Installing R and R Studio
  • Manipulating R Vectors, Arrays, and Matrixes
  • Manipulating R Data Frames
  • Plotting Data Using R
  • Analyzing Real Datasets using R
  • Organizing your Code in R
  • Develop your own Functions in R
  • Summarizing Data with R
  • Load Excel Files with R
  • Compute Basic Statistics about a Dataset
  • Install External Libraries to Power up R
  • Aggregate and Sort Data and Subset Data

This is a very hands-on course and focuses on the practical side of coding in R — instead of teaching you every function and method out there, it shows you how to read questions and examples and get to the answer by yourself. I highly recommend this course to beginners.

Here is the link to join this course — R Language for Absolute Beginners

best course to learn R programming for beginners

11. Introduction to R (FREE) on DataCamp

“Introduction to R,” is a beginner-friendly, free course to learn R programming on Datacamp, an interactive learning platform. Garnering a stellar 4.7 rating from 510 reviews and boasting an extensive learner base of 2,631,563, which makes it one of the most popular R courses on internet.

Tailored for those new to R programming, this 4-hour course provides a robust foundation in data analysis, covering key concepts such as vectors, factors, lists, matrices, and data frames.

No coding experience is necessary as you delve into the basics, using the console as a calculator, assigning variables, and understanding fundamental data types in R.

The course adopts a practical approach, guiding learners through real-world applications like analyzing betting data from Las Vegas and box office numbers of Star Wars movies.

As you progress, you’ll master working with matrices, explore factors for categorical data, and discover the versatility of lists. Authored by Jonathan Cornelissen, co-founder of DataCamp and a Ph.D. holder in financial econometrics, this course opens doors to essential R programming skills applicable in various domains.

With a Statement of Accomplishment at the end, learners can use this course as a stepping stone for further tracks such as Data Analyst with R, Data Scientist with R, and R Programming.

Whether you aim to advance your career or build a solid foundation in data analysis, this Introduction to R course is your gateway to mastering the powerful tool of R programming.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to R (FREE)

best free course to learn R programming online

By the way, you need a Datacamp plan to access this course. They have different plans like standard, professionals, and premium which allows access to all projects. I recommend the standard plan because it is right-priced and you get access to all the essentials to grow your data skills. They are also offering a 50% discount now.

Also, once you get the membership, you get access to all the course and after completing this course, you can start with Intermediate R and Introduction to Importing Data in R, two of the advanced R programming courses for Data Analysts and Data Scientists.

That’s all about the best R programming courses to join in 2024. You can join these online courses to learn the R programming language for Data Science, Statistics, and Data Analysis.

Data Science is becoming more important every day, it will be one of the most important things to have in the count to make practically any project because it brings you a lot of advantage over your competitors.

That is why is very useful to know about it. With these best online R programming courses, you can enter this world to become a better professional.

Other Data Science and Machine Learning Resources you may like:

Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these best R Programming online training courses then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are keen to learn R Programming but looking for a free online training course to start with then you can also check out this free Introduction to R course. This 10-hour course will teach you R programming in an interactive way using 140+ exercise problems. The best thing about this course is that it’s completely free and you just need an Udemy account to join this course




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com