Top 20 SQL Query Questions from Programming and Tech Interviews

SQL queries are commonly asked in Programming and Data Science Job Interviews, if you are preparing for Tech interviews then practicing these queries can give you edge.



20 SQL Query Interview Questions for Experienced Java Programmers and Data Scientists

Hello guys, if you have given any coding or programming job interview then you may know that SQL and Database questions are quite common there but the toughest ones are always the SQL queries which can not only need good understanding of SQL to solve but also creativity.

Like many other things, you can practice SQL queries before interviews so that you can do well when such questions asked in real interviews, but the questions comes which SQL query questions should you solve?

Well, you should solve the common SQL queries ask on Interviews like Google, Amazon, Facebook, JP Morgon, UBS, Citibank etc and where do you find them? Well, you can Google them.

There are also many sites like Leetcode where you can practice SQL questions but at the moment you don’t need to go anywhere as I am going to share 20 frequently asked SQL queries for practice right here

And, if you need more questions not just queries but also database and SQL related questions from other topics…




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