25 Spring Framework Interview Questions for 1 to 3 Years Experienced Java Programmers

Preparing for Java Interviews? Don’t forget to prepare for Spring framework questions, here are the popular Spring Framework question for experienced Java developers.



25 Spring Framework Interview Questions for 1 to 3 Years Experienced Java Programmers

Hello folks, if you are working in Java world then you must have heard about Spring Framework and Spring Boot. Spring framework is very popular in Java world for doing application development.

It provides dependency injection and inversion of control and also provides several API like JdbcTemplate, JmsTemplate,, RestTemplate, WebClient to make developer’s work easier while working with JDK core libraries.

Since Spring is very important in application development world, its also quite popular among interviewers. You will see lot of questions from Spring framework in both Java and JEE interviews.

Its even more important in web and enterprise development world due to Spring MVC framework but we will see it later.

By the way, if you are new to Spring Framework and want to learn Spring in depth and looking for resources then you can also checkout following online courses:




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