Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Java in Depth

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6 min readMay 19, 2019
Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Java 9 Features in Depth
Java Module System

It’s been a long time since JDK 9 went GA. That new release of Java is packed with some powerful features like modules, API enhancements like factory methods for an immutable list, set, and map, some changes on Stream API and Optional class, new features on Process API, etc.

Since it’s always good to keep yourself up-to-date, its time to spend some time to learn those new features and make use of them to write better code in Java.

When it comes to learning a new technology or a new thing, online courses work best. They help you to get going quickly by providing the essential stuff and encourage you to learn more.

Books are also good but you learn quickly using online courses than books because they focus on the most important parts and don’t provide in-depth coverage as the book does.

In my opinion, you should read a book after finishing a course to further cement the concepts and fill the gaps, as more often books provide more comprehensive coverage.

5 Best Online Courses to learn Java in Depth

In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn JDK 9 features.

These courses are designed to help you master the most in-demand Java 9 features like Modules, Reactive Streams, HTTP 2.0, and other API changes. Especially if you’re going for a job interview or have a Java Project that needs your best performance.

1. What’s New in Java 9 — Modules and More!

The goal of the course was not to simply go quickly through all the new features in Java 9 but it is designed to help you really understand these new features.

This course explains most of the new features of Java 9 like Java Shell, The Java Platform Module System, and updates to the Process API.

The Java Platform Module System is probably the feature that most developers have heard about when they think about Java 9. The Java 9 Platform Module System allows Java to move forward by modularizing the JDK as well as adding modules as first-class citizens to Java.

The course is created by Tim Buchalaka, instructor of The Complete Java MasterClass, one of the best courses to learn Java in-depth.

2. What’s New in Java 9 on Pluralsight

In this course, What’s New in Java 9, you’ll get an overview of the most important changes to the language and libraries.

First, you’ll delve into the module system, introducing modules into the Java language. Then, you’ll discover the jShell, a new tool for interactively experimenting with Java code.

Finally, you’ll explore smaller and incremental changes, such as improvements to APIs like Stream and Optional, the addition of collection factory methods, and newly introduced APIs such as ProcessHandle and HttpClient.

When you’re finished with this course, you’ll be ready to make the most of Java 9 in your own projects. The course is created by Sander Mak, author of the popular Java 9 Modularity: Patterns and Practices for Developing Maintainable Applications book, which also an awesome resource to learn Modularity in depth.

3. Java 9 Masterclass — Beginner to Expert

This course not only covers new features of Java 9 but also tells you how to develop applications using Java 9. It’s a complete Java learning course.

For example, if you are just starting with programming and choose Java 9 to start with this is the course you should join.

4. Learn JShell with Java 9 — Step by Step

JShell is a new feature in Java 9 which allows you to run code quickly and easily. In this course, you will learn how to use Java REPL JShell to become a more productive programmer.

You will learn how to explore Java with JShell and understand the various JShell commands. Added in are tips and tricks to make you a JShell expert.

Good knowledge of JShell will help you to become more productive at exploring Java APIs and Libraries.

5. Java 9 Modularity: First Look

This is a good course to learn Java Modules or Project Jigsaw in depth. You will learn what modules are and how modular design using the Java module system increases the flexibility, maintainability, and security of your Java applications.

It also discusses the issue of migrating existing applications to the new Java Module System is addressed as well, with features such as automatic modules.

When you’re finished with this course, terms like encapsulation and explicit module dependencies will be no secret to you.

6. Learning path: Java 9: Programming with Java 9

Packt publishing (Packt) has created a series of courses to teach Java 9 features also known as a learning path. In this Learning Path, you will learn functional and reactive programming using Java 9.

It first provides the introduction to functional Programming and then teaches you how to build a RESTful web service using Spring, Jersey, and Java 9 features.

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn Java 9 from scratch. These courses not only provide a good overview of essential JDK 9 features but also shows some real-world examples of where you can use the JDK 9 features like building RESTful web services.

It's never too late and today is probably the best time to master JDK 9 features to update yourself with the latest and greatest in Java.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these Java 9 courses then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a comment.

P. S. — If you are a beginner and just start with Java, then The Complete Java MasterClass, one of the best and most up-to-date online courses to learn Java in-depth.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and