5 Projects You Can Build to Learn Spring Boot in 2024

My favorite Spring Boot Projects with courses for beginners and experienced developers with links to solution resources like YouTube videos and courses

4 min readMar 2, 2024


5 Projects You Can Build to Learn Spring Boot
image_credit — javaguides.net

Hello guys, Spring Boot has become a powerhouse in the world of Java development, offering a streamlined way to build robust and scalable applications. If you’re looking to enhance your Spring Boot skills, hands-on projects are an excellent way to put your knowledge into practice.

A lot of my reader ask me about project ideas so in this article, we’ll explore five exciting projects that will not only solidify your understanding of Spring Boot but also provide you with valuable experience in real-world application development.

Though basic knowledge of Spring Framework and Spring Boot is expected but if you are a beginner, I suggest you to first go through a comprehensive Spring course like [NEW] Master Spring Boot 3 & Spring Framework 6 with Java by Ranga Karnam of In28Minutes or [NEW] Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 & Hibernate for Beginners by Chad Darby on Udemy, both are great courses for anyone want to learn Spring in depth.

5 Spring Boot Projects Java Developers Can Build in 2024

Without any further ado, here is a list of projects you can target to build in 2024. The project description gives you a brief idea of what to build but most of the project are based upon well known app and problem so you should already have fair idea about it. I have also shared both free and paid resources for anyone looking for solution or deep dive like YouTube videos and online courses.

1. Expense Tracker App

In this project you need to create a web-based expense tracker application using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. This project will involve building user authentication, allowing users to log in, add, update, and categorize expenses.

Implementing features like charts for visualizing spending patterns and incorporating Spring Security for user authorization will give you a well-rounded experience in developing a full-fledged Spring Boot application.

And, if you need help you can watch this YouTube video as well as this nice course Build Production Ready REST API in Spring Boot — Expense App by Bhushan Sirgur on Udemy

2. Online Bookstore

This is another interesting project you can do to improve your knowledge of Spring Boot and Java ecosystem. Int this project, you will build an e-commerce platform for selling books, integrating Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA for database interactions.

You will also implement features such as user registration, book catalog management, and a shopping cart. Utilize Spring MVC for handling requests and responses, and integrate Spring Security to ensure secure user authentication and authorization.

If you need help you can also watch this nice YouTube video

3. Real-time Chat Application

This is the third project in my list where you will develop a real-time chat application using Spring Boot with WebSocket support.

This project will involve creating a chat server capable of handling multiple users, integrating user authentication, and enabling real-time message broadcasting.

As part of this project you will utilize Spring’s messaging capabilities to implement a scalable and responsive chat system, and if you need help, this YouTube video is a great help

4. Blog Platform with RESTful APIs

This one is the 4th project on my list where you will build a blog platform with Spring Boot, focusing on creating RESTful APIs for blog post management.

Implement CRUD operations for blog posts, user authentication, and authorization using Spring Security.

You can also explore Spring Data REST to simplify the creation of RESTful services and improve the overall efficiency of your API. If you need help you can watch Ramesh of javaguides this video, he also have nice courses on Udemy called Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot — Blog App to check on for this project.

5. Event Management System

This is the last project. In this project you will develop an event management system using Spring Boot, incorporating features such as event creation, registration, and attendance tracking.

Implement user roles and permissions using Spring Security, and explore Spring Data MongoDB for storing and retrieving event-related data.

This project will give you insights into building applications that handle complex relationships and manage various entities, and if you need help here is the YouTube video you can refer.

You can also see this free YouTube video if you stuck while building this project.


That’s all about the great spring boot projects you can build to learn spring boot better. Embarking on hands-on projects is a fantastic way to deepen your understanding of Spring Boot.

These five projects cover a range of application types, allowing you to explore different aspects of Spring Boot, including web development, data persistence, security, and real-time communication.

As you work through these projects, you’ll not only reinforce your Spring Boot skills but also gain valuable experience that will make you a more proficient and confident Java developer.

And, if you need more projects, here are few recommended project based Spring Boot courses which allows you to build project by giving step by step instructions.

  1. Building Real-Time REST APIs with Spring Boot — Blog App
  2. Java Spring Boot Using Intellij | Build a Real-world Project

Happy coding!




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com