50 Microservices Design and Architecture Interview Questions for Experienced Java Programmers

Preparing for Senior Java developer role where Microservices skill is required? Here are 50 questions which you should know before going for interview



50 Microservices Interview Questions for Java Programmers

Hey folks, in last few years Microservices has quickly became the darling architecture of many tech company, so much so that everyone is following Microservices.

I have done Software Development for a long time so I know things have changed from development to deployment and Microservices is the next chapter on that.

Though, if you are new to Microservices, I suggest you to first watch this 4 minute video on Microservices from ByteByteGo, to learn what is Microservices and and When Not To Use It.

Microservices is nothing but a small program which does one thing and does it will, much like class. Contrary to Monolith where all of your app functionality reside inside one application, Microservices split…




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