Top 6 Free Courses to learn Servlet, JSP, and Java FX in 2024 — Best of Lot

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9 min readMay 28, 2020
Top 6 Free Courses to learn Servlet, JSP, and Java FX
Photo by Pankaj Patel on Unsplash

Hello guys, if you want to learn Servlet, JSP, and JavaFX in 2024 and looking for free online courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Servlet courses and best JavaFX courses, and today, I Am going to share free courses to learn Servlet, JSP, and Java FX forms scratch.

If you are a Java developer working on Java JEE projects like Java web application or you want to get into that by learning server-side technologies like Servlet, JSP, and JDBC then you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share some free online training courses to learn Servlet, JSP, and JDBC at your own pace.

If you want to become a Rockstar Java web developer then you must have a good understanding of these basic web technologies before you learn frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. These frameworks work on top of these basic technologies and if you don’t know them then you would often struggle to debug and troubleshoot problems in the real world.

Before you start with these courses to learn Servlet, JSP, JDBC, and Java FX, let me give you a brief intro of what are these technologies and what is their role in a Java web application.

Servlet is a Java class that runs inside the container. It allows you to process the HTTP requests and generate dynamic web pages but it’s more Java than HTML i.e. you need to code HTML inside Java which is both erroneous and not recommended.

Servlet is mainly used as a Controller in web applications created using the MVC design pattern. One of the popular examples of that is the DispatcherServlet of Spring MVC framework, which acts as a front controller.

Its job is the received request and process it but view generate or dynamic web page generation functionality is passed down to JSP. Though it provides the data that needs to be shown in JSP, which makes the view part of the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.

JDBC is something which you can use in both core Java and Java web application. It stands for Java Database Connectivity and it literally provides API to connect with a database and retrieve and save data generated by the application level. JDBC is often used in the persistence layer using the DAO pattern.

Java FX is a relatively new technology as compared to these three but it allows you to create GUI. IT’s an alternative of Swing which many of you might have used before to create thick clients.

Btw, If you can spend a few bucks to learn something useful like Servlet and JSP then you can also check out JSP, Servlets, and JDBC for Beginners: Build a Database App on Udemy. A good hands-on course to learn Servlet and JSP for Java web developers.

Top 5 Free Servlet, JSP, JDBC and Java FX Online Courses for Beginners

I have been sharing a lot of free resources like online courses and books from quite some time now and if you are the first time here then you can search through this blog to find out free courses on Java, Python, Linux, Angular, Oracle, and many more technologies.

In this article, I am going to share some of the free online training courses which you can use to learn Java web technologies like JSP, Servlet, JDBC, and Java FX.

Most of these courses are from Udemy and they are legitimate free resources like their author made them free to give the community back. These courses are not very comprehensive like the paid course but provide a good overview of the above-mentioned technology.

They are ideal for someone who wants to learn Java web development and looking forward to learning web frameworks like Spring Boot, Hibernate, and JSF, etc in the future.

1. Java Servlets and JSP — Build Java EE(JEE) app in 25 Steps

This is an awesome FREE course to learn Servlet and JSP which is driven from one of the paid courses on JSP, Servlet and JSTL “Java server pages (JSP), Servlet & JSTL tutorial” on Udemy.

The purpose of this course is to teach the fundamentals of Java web technologies to students and beginner web developers so that they learn a popular framework like Spring, Hibernate, and JSF in the future.

This course covers most of the basics of Servlets and JSP and the student would get a fair idea of how a JSP application web application is built from scratch.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for free — Java Servlets and JSP — Build Java EE(JEE) app in 25 Steps

best free course to learn Servlet and JSP for Java Programmers

You will not only learn about theory pat like the Servlet life cycle, JSP scripting elements, deployment descriptors, and annotations but also gain some hands-on knowledge about setting up your development environment for Java web development and creating a basic application based on MVC pattern.

Overall a good free course to start with Java web technologies like Servlet and JSP.

2. JSP and Servlets for Beginners

This is another free course from Udemy which will teach you JSP and Servlet basics. This is a beginner level course and even though you are expected to be familiar with Java, you are not expected to have any experience with Eclipse, Maven, or Tomcat.

Created by Bhushan Singh, In this 6 and a half-hour long online training course, you will learn the basics of developing a TODO Management Application using Java Servlets and JSP with Login and Logout functionalities in 25 steps.

You will also learn the basics of web application architecture like Model 1 and Model 2 MVC pattern, Java EE technologies like Servlet, JSP, scriptlets, JSTL, Deployment Descriptor, and expression language.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for free — JSP and Servlets for Beginners

best Udemy course to learn Servlet and JSP for FREE

As part of this course, you will learn how to install Eclipse and get up and running with Maven and Tomcat on your own.

3.Java Database Connection: JDBC and MySQL

Since Database is an integral part of modern web applications, a good knowledge of JDBC is a must for Java developer and this free course teaches you JDBC from scratch.

As I have told you JDBC provides API to connect to the database and request information from it by running SQL queries. JDBC provides different classes to execute simple SQL queries as well as complex stored procedures and this course will teach you both.

The course starts with giving a brief overview of JDBC and then teaches you how to connect to a MySQL database using Java JDBC.

It shows you how to set up your development environment with the MySQL database drivers and then how to execute SQL query and process result set to get the data you need. It also shows you to perform basic SQL commands e.g. select, insert, update, and delete.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for free —Java Database Connection: JDBC and MySQL

best free course to learn JDBC for Java developers

The course then moves on to advanced topics such as PreparedStatement to handle SQL parameters and prevent SQL injection in Java web application.

It then shows how to call stored procedures using various parameter types (IN, INOUT, OUT, and ResultSet)and how to process large data types such as BLOBs and CLOBs.

Finally, the course wraps up with a section on reading database connection information from a configuration file. Overall, a good course to start learning JDBC API for free.

4. JSP (Java server pages) and Servlet basics

This is another free course to learn JSP and Servlet on Udemy. This course is also a beginner level course and teaches basics concepts of JSP and servlets. A student could start learning framework like Spring, JSF, etc

Created by Chaand Sheikh and StudyEasy Organization, this course also explains the roles of JDBC, Servlets, and JSP in web application and provides a demo Program to communicates with Database by using JDBC.

This is also a free course and you can use this course along with the previous course to learn JDBC better.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for free — JSP (Java server pages) and servlet basics

best free  course to learn JSP

5. Crash Course Into JavaFX: The Best Way to make GUI Apps

Java FX allows you to create GUI based application using Java programming language, much like you create a desktop application like Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA using the Swing library.

It was touted as replacement of Swing and considered to be much more lightweight and provide more features and better performance.

This course will teach you the basics of JavaFX like GUI components and concepts like nodes, buttons, and panes and slightly more complicated things like shapes, colors, and property binding.

The course also explains all of the syntax and terminology at the beginning of each lesson, but will always be implementing the concepts throughout the lesson.

Here is the link to sign up for this course for free — Crash Course Into JavaFX: The Best Way to make GUI Apps

best Udemy course to learn Java FX

This means that if you know the terms, but not how to implement them you should still be able to enjoy the course.

In addition, we will have extensive case studies that will allow us to tackle real-world problems using the ideas we have discussed. The course also uses Eclipse and standard Java tools for coding and demo purposes.

6. Developing Database Application using Spring MVC and MyBatis

Created by Bushan Sirgur A crash course on Developing a database web application using Spring MVC and Mybatis. These are the two most popular java frameworks, used to build industry-standard enterprise applications.

This is not a comprehensive course to Spring MVC and Mybatis but this course will help you to integrate the two different frameworks which will help you to create web-based enterprise applications.

Here is the link to sign up on this course for free — Developing Database Application using Spring MVC and MyBatis

best course to learn Spring and MyBatis

That’s all about some of the best free online courses to learn Servlet, JSP, and JDBC. You can use these courses to start with Java web technology and create your own application which can generate a dynamic web page and interact with a database.

Good knowledge of JSP and Servlet is required to further learn industry-standard frameworks like Spring and Hibernate. If you want to go on desktop and GUI development space then JavaFX is a key technology to learn.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free JSP, Servlet, and JDBC courses then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you can spend a few bucks to learn something useful like Servlet and JSP then you can also check out JSP, Servlets, and JDBC for Beginners: Build a Database App on Udemy. A good hands-on course to learn Servlet and JSP for Java web developers.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and