7 Best Online Courses to learn IntelliJ IDEA in 2024

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8 min readJun 21, 2020
7 Best Online Courses to learn IntelliJ IDEA

There is no doubt that IntelliJ IDEA is one of the best IDE for Java development, even though Eclipse may still be used by more people than IDEA, mainly because it’s free, IntelliJ IDEA is the most feature-rich and complete IDE.

The Android Studio, which is the official IDE for Android development in Java, is also based upon IntelliJ IDEA, which further cements its place as the IDE that every Java developer should learn.

The only thing that stops me and many other Java developers from moving to IntelliJ IDEA in the past was the lack of resources, and that’s also I felt where it lacks from Eclipse in the past.

Since Eclipse has been free from the start, there are tons of resources, like books, courses, and tutorials, available.

There are also a lot of resources to learn productivity tips, like keyboard shortcuts and debugging techniques, but there were not that many for IntelliJ IDEA.

But, as I said, things have changed. Now, there are a lot of useful resources available on the Internet to learn and master the IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio.

There are a lot of good courses on Udemy and Pluralsight, screencasts on Youtube, and even the JetBrains blog that has some useful content — — the only thing you need is to find the right one for you, and that’s where this article can help!

In this article, I am going to share some of the best IntelliJ IDEA courses for Java and Kotlin developers to learn and master IntelliJIDEA and Android Studio.

These courses will also help you to increase your productivity by teaching you to use keyboard shortcuts and debugging and navigation techniques.

Top 7 IntelliJIDEA Online training courses for Java Developers

If you are a Java developer and learning IntelliJIDEA and looking for some awesome courses to give your learning an IDE skill a boost, then you have come to the right place.

Here is my list of some of the best IntelliJ IDEA courses for Java and Android developers.

Even if you are using Kotlin for Android development, you can benefit from learning IDEA and will find some of these courses useful.

Also, it’s worth noting that Kotlin is from JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio.

1. IntelliJ IDEA Tricks to Boost Productivity for Java Devs

This is one of the most popular IntelliJ IDEA courses on Udemy, with more than 3000 students already enrolled.

In this course, you will learn fast coding tricks of IntelliJ IDEA that will make you a more productive Java developer, Remember: a craftsman is as good as his tools.

The author's Tao W. and James Lee are hands-on software engineers working on the Big Data space. James has also worked with technical giants, like Google and Amazon.

In his day job, he works with Big Data technologies, such as Cassandra and ElasticSearch, and he is an absolute Docker technology geek and IntelliJIDEA lover, with a strong focus on efficiency and simplicity.

That speaks volumes about what you will get in this course. In short, you will learn over 70 shortcuts to bump up your productivity (on Mac, Linux, and Windows) and learn how to use the magical power of IntelliJ IDEA’s Analysis tool to create better code.

Here is the link to join this courseIntelliJ IDEA Tricks to Boost Productivity for Java Devs

best online course to learn IntelliJIDEA

2. Refactoring Java With IntelliJ IDEA

Apart from unit testing, refactoring is another art that separates novices from professional developers, and, in order to be a good refactor, you need a tool that you can trust.

Though both Eclipse and NetBeans provide powerful refactoring tools to refactor Java code, e.g. extraction of code into methods, classes, and changing the design of the code without breaking IntelliJ’s refactoring power can’t be matched.

IntelliJ IDEA provides a huge number of tools to make refactoring of even very large codebases safe and hassle-free, and this course will teach you how to leverage IntelliJ IDEA’s built-in refactorings to improve your code quality.

The course starts with showing how to refactor a small codebase using IntelliJ IDEA’s automated tools and then build up skills that can be applied to huge source trees without breaking a sweat.

You can use this book along with Martin Fowler’s Refactoring book to Refactor Java code like a pro.

Here is the link to join this courseRefactoring Java With IntelliJ IDEA

best course to learn Refactoring with IntelliJIDEA

3. Spring Boot and Java Development With IntelliJ IDEA

Spring Boot has really taken Java development with Spring to another level. It’s auto-configuration and starter dependency features remove all the initial friction you face with developing Java projects with Spring.

If you combine that convenience with the power of IntelliJ IDEA, you will have a suite of tools and libraries for rapid Java and Spring Framework development.

In this course, you will learn how to develop and run a Spring Boot project with IntelliJ IDEA, learn IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts, debug and test Java applications with IntelliJ, and search and edit source codes easily in IntelliJ IDEA. In short, a perfect course for Java and Spring developer.

Here is the link to join this courseSpring Boot and Java Development With IntelliJ IDEA

Best IDEA course for Java Programmers

4. Become an IntelliJ IDEA Guru

As I have said before, a craftsman is as good as his tools, and a Java developer is as good as his IDE. But with IntelliJ IDEA, you also need to learn how to use all the power of IDEA.

If you have just started with IntelliJ IDEA, then you should pick up this course to learn and use IDEA like a pro.

This course will teach you how to code faster using autocomplete and smart complete, quickly find and replace text across all your files, easily navigate your codebase, and build and run Java programs from within IntelliJ (no need to go to the command line).

Here is the link to join this courseBecome an IntelliJ IDEA Guru

Best IDEA course for Java Developers

5. Java and Android IntelliJ Wizardry Lite With Heinz Kabutz

If you have been doing Java development for a couple of years, then you might have heard about Dr. Heinz Kabutz, he is one of the Java Champion and the author of the famous Java Concurrency and Design Pattern course.

He is also one of the most influential users of IntelliJ IDEA and uses it on his courses, and if you have attended any of his webinars or talks, his IntelliJ skills have definitely caught your attention.

In this hands-on course, Heinz shares most of his magical IntelliJ IDEA tricks that any Java or Android developer can use to increase his productivity with IntelliJIDEA or Android Studio.

I highly recommend this course if you are serious about increasing your productivity on IntelliJ IDEA.

Here is the link to join this courseJava and Android IntelliJ Wizardry Lite With Heinz Kabutz

Best IntelliJIDEA course for Android Developers

6. Mastering IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

If you want to learn IntelliJ IDEA for mobile application development then this course is for you. It will teach you Android Studio, one of the most popular ides For developing Android apps which are also based upon IntelliJ IDEA.

Created by @Tim Buchalaka and his team this course will teach you everything you need to know about Android studio and IntelliJ itself. The course is 10 hours long and one of the most comprehensive courses on Udemy about IntellijIDEA

Here is the link to join this courseMastering IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio

Best online course to elarn IDEA for Android Developers

7. Java Debugging With IntelliJ IDEA

One of the main reasons people learn an IDE Is for their debugging capabilities and if you are not debugging your Java program to find bugs then you are wasting a lot of time.

It’s also one of the most important skills for Java developer and powerful IDEs like Eclipse and IntellijIDEA have so many good features which you can use to find out much useful information during debugging g Java application like values of variables and what is inside a Collection class.

This course will teach you everything you need to know about debugging a Java program in IntelliJ IDEA.

Here is the link to join this courseJava Debugging With IntelliJ IDEA

7 Best Online Courses to learn IntelliJ IDEA

Eclipse vs IntelliJ IDEA? Which is better for Java Development?

If you are still thinking of Eclipse, you probably need to think again, as from the below diagram from RebelLabs where it looks Eclipse has clearly lost the race with IntelliJ IDEA, and it might just be Android Studio who turned the tide against Eclipse.

But, if you still want to learn Eclipse then don’t get disappointed, I have shared a lot of best courses to learn Eclipse earlier, you can choose any of that course to learn Eclipse,

Eclipse vs IntelliJIDEA? which is better for Java?

That’s all for now on the best courses to learn the IntelliJ IDEA for Java and Android development. These courses will take your IntelliJ IDEA skills to the next level and improve your productivity and development experience.

If you have any other IntelliJ IDEA courses that you would like to share with us, feel free to do so in the comments below. Most of the tricks and tips you will learn about these courses will also work with Android Studio.

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Closing Notes

Thanks, You made it to the end of the article … Good luck with your Java development journey!

By knowing some awesome tools like IntelliJ IDEA from JetBrains, you are one step closer to becoming the better Java developer you always wanted to be.

P. S. — If you are an experienced Java developer and want to learn more about Java tools and practices to improve performance then I also suggest you check out Java Multithreading, Concurrency & Performance Optimization by Michael Pogrebinsky course on Udemy. It’s one of my favorite courses for advanced Java developers.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com