7 Best Regular Expression Courses for Developers to Learn in 2024

These are the best online courses to learn Regular expression in Java, Python, and JavaScript programming language.

9 min readNov 7, 2020


7 Best Regular Expression Courses for Developers
image_credit — Pluralsight

Hello guys, if you want to learn Regular expression or regex and looking for the best online courses then you have come to the right place. As of today, I am going to share the best regular expression course for developers.

If you have been doing software development then you might know that a Regular expression is a powerful tool for pattern matching and searching text.

As a programmer, you often need searches like error messages in log files or particular information. Good knowledge of regex can help you to do your job more efficiently.

Almost all programming languages support regular expressions. You will find APIs for creating and applying regex in Java, Python, Perl, JavaScript, C++, and others. Similarly, many tools and commands in Linux like grep, awk, and sed also support regex.

This really helps while analyzing data in text files. Knowledge of regular Expression is also often a difference between a beginner and an experienced programmer. It certainly makes you a better programmer by expanding your knowledge and giving you a powerful tool for searching and troubleshooting.

No matter whether you are a sysadmin, develop in .NET, C, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Python, or even HTML5, or earn your living querying databases, knowing how to read and write Regular Expressions is an essential skill for any IT professional. While a lot of people consider regexes to be black magic, used appropriately, they’re an awesome power-tool in your tool-belt.

Regular Expression exists in almost every programming language. This course teaches the basics of using Regular Expression, including primary and advanced syntax, metacharacters, how to craft complex expressions for matching, and more.

With the ever-increasing shift away from GUI tools in favor of automation, the need for learning Regular Expression is also increasing. As system administrators, engineers, and developers implement automation across applications and enterprises.

The need to validate, extract, match, and capture values from within data sets is becoming more and more important as well.

Regular Expression is available in almost every programming language. No matter what your background is and if you deal with data of any kind, Regular Expression will make you more productive and efficient with the data you manage.

Top 7 Courses to learn Regular Expression in 2024

If you want to learn regular Expression in general or tried to learn them in your favorite programming languages like Java, Python, JavaScript, Perl, etc. and looking for resources, then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share the best online courses to learn Regular Expression from the start. You can join these courses to master regex and become a better developer.

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of best regular expression courses for Java Programmers and developers.

1. The Complete Regular Expressions Course For Beginners

This is one of the best courses to learn Regular Expression on Udemy. This is a very hands-on course, and you will learn how to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Java, Linux, JavaScript, Python, or other languages, with almost 30 illustrated exercises/examples.

Talking about social proof, this course has been trusted by more than 10,325 Students, and it has, on average, 4.6 ratings from close to 1650 participants, which is just amazing.

Instructor Sujith George has done a fabulous job in explaining complex Regular expression topics in simple language. After completing this course, you will not only be able to understand the existing regular expression pattern but also know how to write your pattern base upon your own requirement.

In short, one of the best courses to learn Regular Expression for programmers and developers.

Here is the link to join this best regex course The Complete Regular Expressions Course For Beginners

best online course to learn Regular Expression

2. The Complete Regular Expressions Course with Exercises 2024

This is another Regular expression course on Udemy, which is worth looking at. This is very similar to the previous session, but if somehow you won’t be able to connect to the instructor, then you can take a look at this course.

This is also a hands-on course, and you will learn how to use regex in different programming languages like PHP, JavaScript, Python, Java, Ruby, Perl, and also platforms like Linux and UNIX systems.

It has practical exercises which cover most of the common scenarios where you need to write regular Expression. Like the previous course, this one will also teach you how to read and write regular Expression with ease.

Talking about social proof, this course is trusted by more than 8300 students, and it has, on average, 4.4 ratings from close to 550 participants, which is fantastic.

Here is the link to join this regular expression course The Complete Regular Expressions Course with Exercises 2024

best Regular Expression course for Beginners

3. Introduction to Regular Expression (Regex) By Josh Duffney

This course, Introduction to Regular Expression (Regex), is for those who seek a better understanding of their data and how to become more productive with that data. First, you’ll learn to use shorthand metacharacters.

Next, you’ll learn all about anchors and word boundaries. By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge required to both read regular expressions you find online, as well as how to write elegant phrases of your own.

Here are the main things you will learn in this course-

  1. Shorthand meta characters
  2. Anchors
  3. Word Boundaries
  4. Lookarounds

In short, This is one of the best Pluralsight courses to learn Regular expression and I strongly suggest every senior developer learn regex using this course.

link to join this course — Introduction to Regular Expression (Regex)

best online course to learn Regular Expression

By the way, you would need Pluralsight membership to join this course. It cost around $29 per month but if want to try then you can also take advantage of their 10-day free trial to access this course for free.

4. Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript

This is an excellent course to learn Regular Expression in JavaScript. I highly recommend it to all web developers for whom Javascript is the primary language. You will learn everything a web developer should know about regular expression in this course.

You will to only learn basics but also different ways to use them in JavaScript. You will learn how to read regex and also craft elegant regular expression by using native JavaScript features.

You will learn about Metachacters, Character Sts, Repetition, Gropings, Anchored Expressions, Lookahead Assertions, and some of the frequently used Regular expressions.

In short, one of the solid course to learn Regular expressions for Web Developers and all JavaScript programmers. The goal of this course is to make you proficient in both reading and writing powerful regular expression in JavaScript and it does well to achieve that.

Here is the link to join this courseMastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript

best online course to learn Regular Expression in JavaScript

5. Regular Expression Fundamentals by Juliette Reinders Folmer

This is another excellent course from Pluralsight to learn Regular Expression from scratch.

This course will teach you how regular Expression can solve common problems and the power of regular expressions. It will also show you how to build excellent and performant regex while avoiding all the pitfalls.

This course will take you from the basics of what regular expressions are and why they are useful, through the syntax of regular expressions, guide you past the common pitfalls, and teach you how to optimize your regexes for effectiveness, performance, and maintainability.

And, here is the link to join this courseRegular Expression Fundamentals

best online course to learn Regular Expression in Java

6. Master Python Regular Expressions

This is the best Udemy course to learn Regular Expression with Python. In this course, you will learn Python Regular Expressions from Scratch.

Here are the key things you will learn in this course-

  • Understand all concepts in regular expressions clearly
  • How to write regular expressions to match URLs
  • How to write regular expressions to match Dates
  • How to write regular expressions to match Numbers
  • How to build a simple password checker application

This course explains all the concepts of regular expressions in Python through simple and multiple examples so that it will be easy for you to understand. Each case study consists of exercises.

By solving these exercises, you will be able to write regular expressions for different kinds of text data. Overall a perfect, hands-on course to learn Regular expression with Python in 2024.

Here is the link to join this course — Master Python Regular Expressions

best online course to learn Regular Expression in Python

7. Python Regular Expressions with Data Scraping Projects

This is another hands-on and interactive course to learn Python Regular expression in 2024. The best thing about this course is that you will get to practice regular expression in your browser by building Data Scrapping Projects.

Learning regex with Pythion is not that easy but this course will make your life easy. Here are the key things which I like about this course

  1. how to use the Python regular expressions (re) module and relevant functions by running interactive examples;
  2. Educate you to deal with projects with real-world data examples
  3. Challenge you with coding exercises and quizzes;
  4. It’s Beginner-friendly video lectures to explain the basic REGEX concepts.

Btw, this is a short course, should be pretty quick and easy to complete. However, it assumes that you have basic Python skills. This course should get you going with Python Regex in less than 30mins

Here is the link to join this course Python Regular Expressions with Data Scraping Projects

best Python Regex courses

And, if you find Educative coding platform and their Grokking courses like Grokking the System Design Interview then consider getting an Educative Subscription that provides access to their 100+ courses in just $18 per month (including this one). It’s very cost-effective and great for preparing for coding interviews.

That’s all about the best courses to learn Regular expressions in Java, Python, JavaScript, Linux, and other programming languages. I have purposefully chosen hands-on classes because you can’t learn Regular Expression by just reading it.

You need to practice it as much as possible, and these courses give you exercise to learn how to write regular Expression based upon your own custom needs. As a developer, you should have a good knowledge of Regular Expression, it will also make you a better developer.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best regex tutorials and courses useful, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are keen to learn Regular expression and looking for a free course to learn RegEx then you can also check out this free Python Regular Expressions With Examples Udemy course to learn RegEx. It’s absolutely free and you just need an Udemy account to join this course.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com