7 Difference between REST and SOAP Web Services for Experienced Java Programmers

Wondering what is the difference between REST and SOAP web services? Here is the answer of this popular Java interview question



What is the difference between REST and SOAP Web-service is a very popular question on Java Developer interviews. I have been asked this question a number of times in my career, though now it has changed bit more and people are now even asking about difference between REST and GraphQL? or difference between REST and gRPC?, we will cover those in coming article but in this article, we will learn about SOAP vs REST differences.

Here I am listing out some of the key differences between REST and SOAP purely from interview perspective i.e. I am only mentioning key points, not going into details.

Unless you are doing exclusive work in REST or SOAP Web service, interviewer will not go into deep and if you have done the work already, you probably don’t need this list.

By the way, if you are new to Spring Framework and Hibernate and want to learn Spring and Hibernate in depth and looking for resources then you can also checkout following online courses:

  1. Spring Master Class — Beginner to Expert




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