7 Best Free Kotlin Online Courses for Beginners in 2024

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10 min readJun 18, 2020
7 Best Free Kotlin Online Courses for Beginners

Hello guys, if you want to learn Kotlin Programming language in 2024 and looking for free Kotlin courses then you have come to the right place. Earlier, I have shared the best Kotlin Programming courses, and today, I Am going to share free online courses to learn Kotlin in 2024.

If you are in Android application development or server-side Java development then you might have heard about Kotlin programming language, created by JetBrains, a company behind popular IDEs like IntelliJIDEA, PyCharm, and WebStorm.

Kotlin is also Google’s official language for developing Android apps. If you don’t know what is Kotlin and why you should learn Kotlin then let me tell you that Kotlin is a mature programming language that offers a lot of benefit over traditional programming languages like Java which is time tested in last 25 years. Kotlin is designed to solve pain points of Java programming language like verbose nature and boilerplate.

Kotlin has been around for quite some time now but it really took off since 2017 when Google choose it as the official programming language for developing Android apps.

That brings a lot of interest from both Java and Android developers to learn Kotlin and why not? It’s fully compatible with Java and what you can do in Java in 20 lines you can do that in 5 lines in Kotlin.

In fact, I have been recommending Java developers to learn Kotlin and have shared some books and courses to learn Koltin as well which was liked by many of you but there was also a request of sharing more free resources like books, tutorials, and courses.

That’s why, in this article, I am going to share some of the best free online courses to learn Kotlin in 2024. I have collected these courses from different websites online like Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and it even has a course from Google for learning Kotlin for absolutely FREE.

You can use these courses to learn Kotlin programming language, both basic and advanced concepts, and for both server-side Java development alongside Java and creating Android apps where Kotlin is really seeing a lot of traction.

Btw, If you don’t mind paying a few bucks for learning a valuable skill like Kotlin then I highly recommend you check out Kotlin for Java Developer course on Udemy which is both comprehensive and very engaging. You can use this course to learn Kotlin for server-side Java development as well as for mobile app development with the Android platform.

7 Best Free Online Courses to learn Kotlin Programming in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of best free courses to learn Kotlin basics for both Java and Android developers. These free courses are from Udemy, Pluralsight, and Coursera, a few best online training platforms.

Don’t think that because they are free means they are of inferior quality. They are made free by their instructors for educational and marketing purposes and they are actually top-quality online training courses.

1. Kotlin for Beginners: Next Android platform language

This is the best free course to learn Kotlin online and also on Udemy. Created by VJ Bambhaniya this 3 and half hour long course covers both basic and advanced features of Kotlin and is useful for both Android and Java developers or anyone who wants to learn Kotlin in 2024.

You will learn the following things in short but focused Kotlin course
1. How to install Kotlin on your machine
2. How to create your first Kotlin Program and Variables
3. Types in kotlin
4. Control Flow, Conditions
5. Ranges
6. Looping: for, while repeat loops
7. Functions
8. Closures, Lambadas, Higher-order functions

After finishing this course you will have solid fundamentals of what is Kotlin and how to use it in server development, Android development, and anywhere else where kotlin supports

Here is the link to sign up for this free courseKotlin for Beginners: Next Android platform language

Best Free Kotlin Online Courses for Beginners on Udemy

Talking about social proof this course has on average 3.6 ratings and more than 12, 140 students have enrolled in this course which speaks a lot about the quality of this free course. If you are looking for a free course to learn Kotlin in 2024, I highly recommend you to join this course.

2. Kotlin Bootcamp for Programmers

This is a bootcamp course to learn Kotlin for both Java and Android developers. This course is provided by none other than Google, which owns the Android platform and the company behind Flutter, Golang, Angular, Dart, TensorFlow, and Google Cloud.

In this course, you will learn the basics of Kotlin and the benefits of using Kotlin over Java as you will write many small programs in IntelliJ IDEA, one of the best IDE for Java and Kotlin developers and also developed by JetBrains, creator of Kotlin programming language.

This course is provided by Google Developers Codelabs which provides a guided, tutorial, hands-on coding experience. Most codelabs will step you through the process of building a small application or adding a new feature to an existing application.

Here is the link to sign up for this free courseKotlin Bootcamp for Programmers

free course to learn Kotlin

This course is also a prerequisite for the Android Kotlin Fundamentals course, another free course by Google to learn Android app development using Kotlin. The Android Kotlin Fundamentals course was created by the Google Developers Training team. In the course, you learn Android Kotlin programming concepts and build a variety of apps.

3. Mastering Kotlin: a Fast Guide to Null Safety (in 30 min)

This is a very short course to learn about how Kotlin provides Null safety, a major problem for Java developers for the last 25 years. Created by Skill Centric, this course provides some useful information about the Kotlin type system in 30 minutes.

You will learn the following things in short but focused Kotlin course
1. Differences between the Java and Kotlin type systems.
2. Learn how Kotlin will help you handle the notorious NullPointerException at compile time rather than at runtime.
3. Differences between nullable, not null, and platform types.
4. Safe the call operator
5. The Elvis operator

After completing this course you will be very comfortable with Kotlin nullability which is one of the main advantages and core features of the language.

Here is the link to sign up for this free courseMastering Kotlin: a Fast Guide to Null Safety (in 30 min)

free course to learn Kotlin on Udemy

You will also learn the safe cast operator, the not-null assertion, the let function, and some other important techniques of working with nullable types in the Kotlin programming language. Overall a good free course to learn the Null safety features of Kotlin.

4. One-hour Kotlin guide for beginners

This is another free course to learn Kotlin for both Java and Android developers on Udemy. Created by Tutlets Kkang this is a compact and quick Kotlin guide from Kotlin basic to OOP programming.

The course contains almost 1 and a half hours of content to learn Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin and you will learn the following things in this course:

1. Kotlin Basic
2. Kotlin file Structure & Package
3. Data Type and Variable
4. Array, List, Map, Iterator
5. Function
6. Loop and Conditional Expression
7. Property and Null Safety
8. lateinit, lazy
9. Kotlin OOP Programming

Here is the link to sign up for this free course — a One-hour Kotlin guide for beginners

best free Kotlin course

After completing this free Kotlin course you should have a good knowledge of how to write code in Kotlin and use its object-oriented programming features. Talking about the social proof this course has on average 4.2 ratings out of 5 and more than 6000 students have enrolled in this course which shows a lot about the usefulness of this course.

5. Android Programming with Kotlin for a beginner: Calculator App

This is a project-based course to learn Kotlin programming for free. If you are learning Kotlin to develop Android apps then this is the perfect course to start with as you will develop a Calculator Application from scratch.

Created by Philipp Cherubim this course will teach you how to code in Kotlin and use Android Studio, the most popular IDE for Android development.

Along the way, you will also learn basic things about android frameworks' activities, fragments, and views. You will create custom views and layout them inside a Constraint Layout.

You will learn the advantages of the Model-View-Presenter Architecture, how to use it, and how to implement it in our calculator app. Overall a good course to learn Kotlin and create Android apps.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Android Programming with Kotlin for a beginner: Calculator App

best free online Kotlin course

6. Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin

This is another free project-based, hands-on course to learn Kotlin for building Android applications and games. In this course, @Chrimson Altima will teach you how to build a Jump Scare app clone using Kotlin Programming language.

You will learn the following things in this course:

  1. Learn the techniques used in the shock prank app
  2. How to store Objects in Shared Preferences
  3. How to download images to app storage
  4. How to work with TextToSpeech

Overall a great course to build an Android fun app and also learn Kotlin programing language to add a valuable skill to your Resume.

Here is the link to join this course for FREE — Intermediate Android: Jump Scare App Clone In Kotlin

best free Kotlin tutorial for beginners

7. Getting Started with Kotlin by Kevin Jones

This course aims to give you an introduction to Kotlin to get you developing applications quickly. It’s also a very practical and hands-on course and great for Java and Android developers who want to use Kotlin for Server-side and Android app development.

You will learn the following things in this course
1. How to install the Kotlin tools and set up the IDEs to use Kotlin
2. How to use the object-oriented features of Kotlin
3. how to use the programming features of Kotlin
4. how to write and run tests in Kotlin

After completing this course, you’ll have a strong foundation of knowledge on the basic syntax and features of Kotlin.

Here is the link to sign up for this free courseGetting Started with Kotlin by Kevin Jones

best free Kotlin course on Pluralsight

Btw, you would need a Pluralsight membership to access this course. If you don’t have Pluralsight membership then also you can take advantage of their 10-day free trial to access this course for FREE, as their free trial provides 200 minutes of free access to all of their 5000+ latest online training courses including Kotlin and Java.

That’s all about some of the free courses to learn Kotlin Programming language. As Java is almost 25 years old and it hasn’t changed much, Kotlin is like a modern version of Java and address many of its shortcoming like verbosity.

It also offers a nice balance of goodness of both OOP and Functional programming which makes it a great programming language and worth learning in 2024. And, if you want to learn Kotlin in 2024 then these free online training courses will certainly help you.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free Kotlin courses and find them useful then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback then please drop a note.

P.S. — If you don’t mind paying a few bucks for learning a valuable skill like Kotlin then I highly recommend you check out Kotlin for Java Developer course on Udemy which is both comprehensive and very engaging. You can use this course to learn Kotlin for server-side Java development as well as for mobile app development with the Android platform.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com