Top 10 Online Courses to learn Golang/Go in 2024 — Best of Lot

These are the best online training courses to learn Go programming language from Udemy, Pluralsight, Coursera, and CodeCademy.

13 min readJun 8, 2020


best online courses to learn Golang programming language

Hello guys, today, I am going to share about one of the most popular modern programming languages called Go or Golang. This powerful programming language is created by none other than Google to make their software development process smoother and better, so you can imagine the power and simplicity this programing language brings to the table.

In 2009, Google set out to create a new programming language that was fast, productive, and fun-to-code but without compromising readability, productivity, and simplicity, and that’ how to Go programming language was born.

Even if the name of Google wasn’t enough, this programming language is created by Ken Thompson, who have invented time-tested technologies like the C programming language and UNIX operating system, along with a key contribution from two Google employees Robert Griesemer and Rob Pike.

Golang is designed by Google, its inherently fast, reliable, and efficient and trusted by companies like Netflix, Uber, and, of course, Google.

Google uses Go specifically for its extensive networks of servers and Go also powers much of Google’s own cloud platform, GCP, or Google Cloud Platform. Software developers around the world use Go in application development, web development, operations and infrastructure teams, and much more.

It is also one of the popular languages of Cloud Native infrastructure and software development. If you want to learn Go in 2024 and looking for some excellent resources like online training courses, then you have come to the right place.

In this article, I am going to share some of the best courses to learn Golang or Go Programming language for beginners and experienced developers. All courses are completely online and you can take them from the comfort of your office or home.

10 Best online training Courses to learn Golang in 2024

Anyway, without wasting any more of your time, here is my list of some of the best courses to learn Go or Golang programming language from scratch. The list includes both free and best courses and they are also very affordable. Most of the courses you can buy in just $9.9 on Udemy sale.

1. Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang) — Udemy

This is another awesome course to learn the fundamentals and advanced features of the Go Programming Language (Golang) on Udemy.

Taught by Stephen Grider, this is a well-thought-out and structured course. It’s also one of the few courses where you will learn some powerful and advanced features of Golang, like its concurrency model and interface type systems.

Stephen Grider is also one of my favorite instructor on Udemy, having attended his Modern React with Redux and several other courses, I can say that his courses are a complete worth of your time and money.

Talking about social proof, this course is trusted by more than 34,000 students, and it has, on average, 4.6 ratings from close to 9,300 participants, which is amazing.

Here is the link to join this course online Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang)

best Udemy course to learn Golang

2. Go Programming (Golang): The Complete Developer’s Guide

This is another awesome online course to learn Golang programming and development from scratch in 2024. This course is created by Andrei’s TEAM on ZTM academy and it will teach you the Go programming language from scratch! No previous experience is needed.

This 10.5-hour course is created by Golang Expert by Jayson Lennon and he will teach you everything you need to learn to become a Golang Developer in 2024.

You will not only learn Golang fundamentals and basic concepts but all the way to advanced concurrency so that you go from beginner to being able to get hired as a Go developer!

The course comes with 23+ bonus exercises, projects, and resources and you will also build an enterprise-level project, including a video sharing app that you can add to your developer portfolio.

Here is the link to join this course Go Programming (Golang): The Complete Developer’s Guide

best online course to learn Go Programming langugage

Btw, you would need a ZTM membership to watch this course which costs around $23 per month but also provides access to many super engaging and useful courses like this JavaScript Web Projects: 20 Projects to Build Your Portfolio course. You can also use my code FRIENDS10 to get a 10% discount on any subscription you choose.

3. Programming with Google Go Specialization (Coursera)

You would be a little surprised to know, but Coursera also has a specialization in Go programming language offered by UCI Division os continuing Education.

This specialization introduces the Go programming language from Google and provides learners with an overview of Go’s special features.

There are 3 Courses in this Specialization:
1. Getting Started with Go
2. Functions, Methods, and Interfaces in Go
3. Concurrency in Go

All these courses are thought by Ian Harris and upon completing the three-course sequence, learners will have gained the knowledge and skills needed to create concise, efficient, and clean applications using Go. You will also get a certificate of completion once you complete all quizzes, assignments, and projects.

You can put this certification on your resume or LinkedIn profile to showcase that you know Golang — Google’s programming language.

Here is the link to join this course online Programming with Google Go Specialization

best Coursera course to learn Go Programming langugage

And, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies like Google, IBM, Amazon, and best universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera

This single subscription gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.

4. Go Fundamentals By Nigel Poulton (Pluralsight)

This is another online course to learn Golang in 2024 on Pluralsight. If you have a Pluralsight membership and looking for an awesome Golang course to start with then you should join this course.

This course is created by Nigel Poulton, author of Docker Deep Dive course on Pluralsight, my favorite course to learn Docker and this course also lived up with the expectation.

In this course, you’ll learn to program with the increasingly popular Go programming language from Google. Starting from the ground up and assuming no prior knowledge, this course will leave you feeling comfortable writing small Go programs and familiar with all the major features of the languages

If you don’t know, Nigel Poulton, instructor of this course, is a Docker Captain and popular technology author. He is known for his engaging videos and books on cloud-native technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

Here is the link to join this course online Go Fundamentals

best Pluralsight course to learn Go Programming langugage

By the way, you would need a Pluralsight membership to join this course which costs around $29 per month and $299 per annum (14% discount) but it's completely worth it. Alternative. you can also use their 10-day-free-trial to watch this course FREE.

5. Learn Go on CodeCademy

If you have been learning online, then you may know about CodeCademy, one of the best places for interactive online learning. I have used CodeCademy to learn Python, Java, Bash, and JavaScript, and I can say that they offer the best learning experience.

You will be glad to know that they also have an interactive course to learn Go (Golang) programming language, and the best part is that its created in partnership with Google, which is also the creator and supporter of Golang.

This is the most hands-on and interactive course to learn Go programming language online, as you will not only ear about Go Basics like variables, conditionals, and functions but also build a couple of projects in Go programming language.

You’ll learn the syntax, get quizzed on how to declare functions and work on projects like a flight coordinator for an interstellar travel agency. If you love project-based and interactive learning, this is the best course to learn Go online.

The first four modules of “Learn Go” are live in CodeCademy right now, and they’re completely free.

Here is the link to join this course online Learn Go on Codecademy

best interactive course to learn Go Programming language

6. Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp (Udemy best Course)

This is another great course to learn. Go on, Udemy. The best part of this course is that it’s very visual, and you will find a lot of animation which helps you to understand the concept better.

The course also has 1000+ hands-on exercises and projects, which is very important for learning technology. Yes, you just cannot learn by reading or watching videos unless you start coding and building something.

Created by Jose Marcial Portilla and Inanc Gumus, this course is trusted by more than 7000+ students, and it has, on average, 4.5 reviews from 1000+ ratings, which says a lot about its quality.

Jose Portilla is another instructor that I admire on Udemy. Having attended his Python and SQL Bootcamp course I can vouch for the quality in his courses, even though he is a co-instructor on this course and it's mainly taught by Inanc Gumus, the quality is great.

Here is the link to join this course online Go (Golang): The Complete Bootcamp

best Golang course for beginners

Honestly, getting his courses on $10 is like getting it free; I don’t know why they sell in $10, which is ridiculously ver low for a 22-hour great online course, but as a learner, this is a deal you never want to miss.

7. Learn Golang in 7 hours (FreeCodecamp channel Youtube)

This is one of the best free courses to learn Golang online on FreeCodeCamp’s Youtube channel.

Learn the Go programming language (Golang) in this step-by-step tutorial course for beginners. Go is an open-source programming language designed at Google that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

You can watch this online training course for FREE on Youtube or right here using the following link:

8. Go / Golang Crash Course — Taversy Media YouTube

This is another fantastic free course to learn Golang online on Youtube. This course is created by one of my favorite Udemy instructors Brad Traversy, author of Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning and Modern JavaScript From The Beginning courses.

In this crash course, we will get started with the Go programming language. There is no prior knowledge of Go required. We will set up a workspace and look at fundamentals like variables, slices, conditionals, maps, structs, and more

You can watch this online training course for FREE on the Taversy media youtube channel or right here using the following link:

9. Introduction to industry REST microservices in Golang (Go)

This is another great course to learn about Golang from a web development perspective. Because of its powerful feature and simplistic development model, the Go programming language is the best choice for web development today.

It’s much better than standard frameworks and programming languages like Ruby on Rails, Python, Django, Node.js, PHP, and ASP.

You can use the Go programming language for creating web applications, Web APIs, microservices, and other distributed services and this course will teach you exactly that.

It’s a comprehensive course with 16 hours of content and teaches you everything you need to create a web application using the Go programming language.

Talking about social proof, this is one of the highest-rated Golang courses on Udemy with on average 4.6 ratings by 211 rating participants and this course is trusted by more than 1527 students already.

Here is the link to join this course online Introduction to industry REST microservices in Golang (Go)

best Golang online course for beginners

10. Golang Mastry by Boot.Dev [Interactive Course]

This is another interactive online course to learn Golang in depth. I didn’t know about this course for a long time but then when I knew about it, I really loved it.

The “Go Mastery” course on specializes in giving you hands-on experience building real projects in Go. Every concept you learn is accompanied by a coding assignment in the browser, and their platform actually checks that you get the expected output at every step.

Once you finish their course, they even provide project instructions so you can learn how to build a real microservice from scratch.

You can also use my code “`FRIENDOFJAVIN` to get a 10% discount on this course.

Here is the link to join this course Golang Mastry by Boot.Dev

11. Master Go (Golang) Programming: The Complete Go Bootcamp 2024 (Udemy best course)

This is one of the best and most comprehensive courses to learn the Go programming language from scratch. The course is perfect for both beginners and experienced developers because it not only teaches you Go but also programming.

The course is full of examples, hands-on Ninja exercises, solutions to the hands-on exercises, and an amazing code repository. It also has lessons from computer fundamentals, which is great for beginners. If you are learning to code and choose Golang as a programming language, this is the course you should join.

With over 46.5 hours of content 82,000 students and more than 11,000 reviews, this is truly the most comprehensive course on Go programming language.

Here is the link to join this course online Master Go (Golang) Programming: The Complete Go Bootcamp 2024

best Golang tutorial for beginners

12. An Introduction to Programming in Go on

If you are looking for a text-based course to learn Go Programming language in 2024 then An Introduction to Programming in Go course on is a great place to start with.

As many programmers are learning Golang in 2024 due to its popularity, concurrency support and overall increase in developer productivity and courses like this makes it really easy to learn Go programming language.

This course not only provides detailed introduction to Go for beginners. but it also articulates how Go is different from traditional programming languages that programmers are accustomed to.

Here are things you will learn in this course:

  1. Data Types and Collection types
  2. package, import, and coding basics
  3. Control flow and methods
  4. Interfaces and Concurrency Support

Along the way, you will also solve many coding challenges in Golang to learn this programming language better.

Here is the link to join this course An Introduction to Programming in Go

Btw, you would need an Educative subscription to join this course, which not only provide access to this course but more than 500+ courses to learn essential tech skills, prepare for coding interview and improve yourself as a Developer. If you want to invest in yourself and upgrade your tech skill, this is one subscription you definitely need.

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn Go or Golang programming language. As I said, Go is designed to be scalable, fast, productive, and fun to use, and it’s trusted by developers at companies like Netflix, Uber, CodeCademy, and, of course, Google.

Learning Golang or Gol Programming language can boost your career and also help you to get a job at Google, which is the dream of many software developers.

Other Programming Resources you may like to check

Thanks a lot for reading this article so far. If you find these Golang or Go Programming language courses useful and fun, then please share it with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you are interested in learning the Go programming language but looking for a free online training course to start with then you can also check out GetGoing: Introduction to Golang course on Udemy. It’s completely free and you just need a free Udemy account to access this course, More than 9500 students have already enrolled to learn Go now.

All the best with the Golang journey.




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on and