7 System Design Problems to Crack Software Engineering Interviews

Preparing for System design? Here are my favorite System Design Problems from interviews which you can use to practice



My Favorite System Design Problems to Crack Interview
image_credit — bytebytego

System design is one of the biggest hurdle in getting job at Amazon, Google, or Netflix, and most of the startups. I have seen many experienced developer with years of experience in their resume falling apart in this round because of lack of preparation and knowledge.

That’s why its extremely important to prepare well for interviews and its best to prepare the frequently asked System design problems like how to design YouTube, and how to design WhatsApp to start with.

By the way, if you are preparing for System design interviews and want to learn System Design in depth then you can also checkout sites like ByteByteGo, DesignGuru, Exponent, Educative and Udemy which have many great System design courses and if you need free system design courses you can also see the below article.




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