7 Tried and Tested Tips to Make $5,000 per Month on Upwork in 2024?

Tried and tested tips from Gabriel I. Simion to earn $5000 per month on Upwork

10 min readJun 17, 2024


Hello guys, if you are looking to make side income or full time income on Upwork by doing freelancing then you have come to the right place.

In the last article, I have shared how to start with Upwork in 2024 where I have mentioned few tips from Gabriel I. Simion, an Upwork expert author of Winning on Upwork — The Best Profile Optimization Guide for Upwork Freelancers, to optimize your profile.

You will also learn how to find clients which can give you recurring work, and today, I am going to share few more tried and tested tips from Gabriel to make $5000 per month on Upwork.

While it make look tough as many people can’t even find their first client, its possible and definitely doable and you will find it how in this article.

For those of us who work primarily on a computer, the future of work is moving toward the gig economy. With salaries struggling to keep up with inflation, many employees are looking for new ways to boost their income.

And, when it comes to creating additional income streams, one of the most popular options is Upwork, the world’s largest freelancing
platform. It’s also one of my top 10 platform when it comes to choosing side hustle for additional income as mentioned in below article.

If you’re reading this, it’s clear you’re part of the highly skilled workforce that’s always eager to learn and improve. This drive can lead to better pay online on Upwork than what you might earn at a traditional job.

Whether you’re an experienced Upwork freelancer or just starting out, this article offers real, practical tips to help you on your path to success. While success isn’t guaranteed, aiming for it from the start is crucial.

Gabriel has also compiled all his tips and tricks in a Gumroad guide — this is how we met — and he’s offering a 20% discount to our entire community with the code “Javarevisited”. Check it out here: Winning on Upwork — The Best Profile Optimization Guide for Upwork Freelancers.

How to make $5000 a month on Upwork?

Earning a steady $5,000 per month on Upwork takes more than just signing up and bidding on projects. It requires strategic thinking, good-enough skills, and a bit of creative problem-solving. And, of course, hard work is essential.

Here are few tips which can help you to achieve your goal:

1. Your Profile

One of the most important thing to earn any income in Upwork start with your profile. You must build an irresistible profile, which acts as your storefront on Upwork.

To attract high-paying clients, your profile must stand out from the crowd and that’s where you need to put most of your effort. If you need how a winning profile looks like you can see Gabriel’s profile here).

We have also discussed this topic in a previous article, which you can check out here: and You should also download this best-selling guide on how to create a standout profile:

2. How to Sell

You need to master the art of writing great proposals. A well-crafted proposal significantly boosts your chances of getting noticed, especially considering that each proposal costs over $2 in Connects.

Your proposal should be customized for each project and client. Avoid using generic templates — they simply don't work.

You should tailor each proposal by addressing the client by name and referencing specific details from the job posting.

This shows that you have done your homework.

Start with a strong opening to grab attention right away. Demonstrate that you understand the client’s problem, followed by a brief summary of how you can solve it.

For example, if the client is looking for a website redesign to improve user engagement, you might start with:

“Hi [Client’s Name],
I see that you are looking to redesign your website to boost user engagement. Having worked on similar projects, I know how critical it is to keep visitors on your site and encourage them to interact with your content.

With over five years of experience in web design, I’ve helped numerous clients achieve significant improvements in user interaction through intuitive and visually appealing designs. I’d love to bring the same success to your project.”

You should offer value upfront by including a small piece of free advice or a suggestion related to their project. This demonstrates your expertise and willingness to go the extra mile.

For instance you can add below text in your proposal to offer value to client

“One quick tip: Integrating a streamlined navigation bar and interactive elements can significantly enhance user experience, keeping visitors on your site 30% longer.“

Clients often skim proposals, so keep yours concise, focusing on key points and your unique value proposition.

Writing a personalized cover letter might take you up to 15 minutes, but time is money. If you can figure out a way to submit it within 2–3 minutes of the job being posted, you have a 50% higher chance of being hired.

Clients are more likely to click on your cover letter if it‘s one of the first they see.

To achieve this, consider using AI tools like the Proposals Generator, a Chrome Extension that many Upworkers use to get in front of clients faster with better proposals.

Check it out here:

Also, it‘s important to avoid spam job posts and problematic clients. To help with this, try this free tool: Upwork Job Scorer and Spam Detector:

both are great tools and essential for anyone who is serious to earn a decent income on Upwork.

Now, let’s see the third tip which can help you to make $5000 per month on Upwork.

3. The Niche

Let’s discuss a bit about your niche. Selecting the right niche can dramatically increase your earning potential by focusing on high-value skills and eliminating low-paying ones.

Here is an excerpt from “Winning on Upwork — The Best Profile Optimization Guide for Upwork Freelancers”:

Identify niches that are in high demand and offer higher rates. Steer clear of oversaturated markets and concentrate on areas where you can provide unique value.

Align your niche with your skills and passions. If you‘’re enthusiastic and skilled in a specific field, you‘’ll be more driven to excel and continuously improve, leading to higher earnings.

You can learn more about niche on his guide here

4. Everything about Client Relationships

One critical aspect often overlooked by freelancers is the importance of building strong client relationships.

Repeat clients are the foundation of a successful freelancing career.

Developing strong relationships can result in long-term contracts and valuable referrals. Make sure the time you invest in a project goes beyond just the final payment.

Maximize the value you derive from your efforts. Consider each client relationship as a small investment that should benefit both parties for as long as possible.

Periodically check in with past clients to stay connected.

Aim for at least 30% of your jobs to come from repeat clients.

Are you a freelancer or an employee without the associated benefits? The key difference between a service provider/freelancer and an employee is whether you drop everything to work on a task when your client/employer requests it.

If you do, you're being treated as an employee. Hopefully, you‘re
compensated accordingly. You can learn more on this on his best selling upwork guide

5. Always strive to exceed expectations. Under-promise and over-deliver!

Whether it’s finishing a project ahead of time or adding a special touch to your work, going above and beyond can lead to repeat business.

Send periodic updates, offer additional insights, or suggest improvements beyond the project scope. Clear and consistent communication builds trust, so keep clients informed of your progress and respond promptly to their messages.

Meeting deadlines is crucial. Being reliable and punctual demonstrates professionalism and builds trust.

Show your appreciation.

Simple gestures like thanking clients for their business and sending holiday greetings can strengthen your relationship. Personalized thank you notes or small tokens of appreciation can leave a lasting impression.

Provide support even after the project has ended. This could be a free follow-up consultation or minor adjustments at no extra charge. This shows your dedication to their success and can lead to long-term relationships.

Request testimonials and referrals. After completing a project, ask satisfied clients for testimonials and referrals.

Positive reviews enhance your profile’s credibility and attract new clients. Additionally, a referral from a happy client is often more persuasive than self-promotion.

Also, starting on September 4th, 2024, Upwork will no longer allow freelancers to remove one negative feedback every three months.

So, choose your clients carefully, as their reviews will have a lasting impact. You an learn more about how to choose your clients on his upwork guide here

6. Pricing Strategy

Pricing can be tricky, but a strategic approach can help you reach your $5,000 monthly goal faster. Initially, it’s fine to work on an hourly basis until you fully understand how long it takes you to complete different types of projects.

Once you have this knowledge, switch to fixed-price projects to maximize
your profits. Remember, hourly rates can penalize efficient workers.

How should you set your prices? Use this rule of thumb: if one out of three clients rejects your initial offer because it’s too high, you’re on the right track.

You can always negotiate down, but if every client consistently accepts your rate, it’s a sign you’re pricing too low.

Selling is an art. Develop a compelling pitch. For instance, if you want to charge $2,000 for a project, start by mentioning a higher price point:

“I completed a similar project for $5,000, and the client was
extremely satisfied with the quality and value.”

Then, offer a time-limited discount:

“Since it’s our first time working together, I’m willing to do it for $3,000. I guarantee you’ll be completely satisfied.”

If the client hesitates, ask about their budget. If it’s above $2,000, don’t accept immediately. Suggest a slightly higher price, say 10% more, to capture additional value.

If their budget is below your minimum, consider reducing the project scope to fit their budget.

You can also check what other freelancers in your niche charge and position yourself competitively without underselling your value.

Offer clients different pricing options, such as a basic, standard, and premium package. This allows them to choose a service level that fits their budget while maximizing your earning potential.

As you gain more experience and positive reviews, gradually increase your rates. This reflects your growing expertise and value. When you’re fully booked and can’t take on new projects, raise your rates.

This way, if new clients accept the higher rates, you can phase out lower-paying customers over time. This is a great tip and you should use it. If you need more pricing tips like this you can buy his upwork success guide here

7. Leverage Upwork Features

Upwork offers several tools to help you attract more clients and manage your work efficiently. For example, you can boost your proposals to appear higher in the client's search results.

One of the best free features is the Project Catalog, where you can create predefined projects with clear deliverables and pricing. This appeals to clients who prefer a straightforward hiring process.

The great thing is you can post an unlimited number of projects. Consider targeting a micro-niche and creating a variety of projects so that whenever anyone searches for a specific service, one of your projects appears

Position yourself as an expert in your niche through your profile, proposals, and personal branding efforts.

And, if you are serious on starting your freelancing career on Upwork, I highly recommend you to checkout his best selling Upwork freelancing guide on Gumroad.


Earning $5,000 per month on Upwork is an achievable goal with the right strategies and mindset. By building a standout profile, crafting compelling proposals, choosing the best niche, and fostering strong client relationships, you can set yourself apart from the competition.

Remember to leverage Upwork’s features, focus on niche markets, automate tasks, and continuously improve your services.

With dedication and strategic effort, you can turn Upwork into a lucrative and sustainable source of income.

Happy freelancing!

P.S: Take action with the following strategic resources for Upwork
Download “Winning on Upwork — The Best Profile Optimization Guide for Upwork Freelancers”
Visit Gabriel’s profile to get inspired: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/gabrielsimion
Use Proposals Generator Chrome Extension: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chatgpt-ai-
Use the Free Upwork Job Scorer & Spam Detector: https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/upwork-
Follow Gabriel on X: https://x.com/SimionAdvisory




I am Java programmer, blogger, working on Java, J2EE, UNIX, FIX Protocol. I share Java tips on http://javarevisited.blogspot.com and http://java67.com