9 Hard Leetcode Problems to Challenge yourself in 2022

Akshay Ravindran
Published in
5 min readJan 15, 2022


Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash


If you are trying to get into FAANG companies, then there are probably 3–5 technical rounds where you would be asked to solve different problems using Algorithms and Data Structures.

The last few posts in the series were focused on Easy and Medium difficulty Leetcode problems that are prevalently asked in Software Engineer Interviews. The following set of problems are also asked in FAANG interviews, these are tagged as Hard.

I am not asking you to go and grind through all 1300 problems over there to become the best problem solver these companies look for. Instead, I have garnered a list of questions that get you started with this.

I consider this list to be the first step in getting the job you deserve.
Leetcode: https://leetcode.com/explore/

Now, let’s go to the list

1) Count of Smaller Numbers After Self



Akshay Ravindran

Code -> Understand-> Repeat is my motto. I am a Data Engineer who writes about everything related to Data Science and Interview Preparation for SDE.