A Complete Guide to Build and Deploy a SaaS Product from Scratch

Ruby Valappil
Published in
6 min readDec 8, 2021


Headless and Serverless with SpringBoot and AWS


Let’s learn in this tutorial to build and deploy the basic version of a SaaS application- A Tweet Scheduler.

If you have not read my previous article where we learned to build a spring boot application and set a scheduler to pick and post random tweets from the Mongo DB, I would highly recommend reading that here.

The code has been updated since the last article and the following changes were made,

  1. Twitter credentials were moved to DB from yml
  2. GET API added — for a health check
  3. Logger implemented
  4. Logic to auto pick tweets updated

AutoCluck — The Product

Tweet Scheduler Tutorial

Our product is named Autocluck, its one and only job is to post random tweets to Twitter.

This application also exposes 3 APIs:

  1. GET API – This is a health check API and would return “All Good” if the app is up and running in AWS

