A Glance at the CERN

One of the most fascinating places in the world



CERN — Personal author’s photo, @HardFreedomCom

Did you know that the World Wide Web was born in CERN? I didn’t until I visited the mecca of all scientists — CERN (in French: Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire).

Last year, our family was invited to Switzerland. Knowing that CERN is in Switzerland, I could not miss the opportunity to visit this science sanctuary.

That’s right — if you are lucky, you can make an appointment to visit CERN. There are a few employers and scientists who volunteer to make excursions for those who get a lucky ticket to CERN. They open the registration in the morning — a few weeks before the tour date- and all the seats are reserved in a few seconds. If you have ever tried to buy tickets to a Beyoncé concert, you will know what I mean. Even if you weren’t lucky to get a ticket, CERN still has a few museums that are open to everyone.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, public visits are currently canceled, but later on, you can check their website to find more information about the guided tours in French and English languages.

Short history

Europe lost its face and money during the Second World War. And while other continents had famous scientists and laboratories, Europe had not much to be proud of in the field…




I care about love, freedom, our rights and inner harmony. And now, oh well, I am (stressed out) JAVA developer. www.hardfreedom.com - ko-fi.com/hardfreedomcom