Best of July-December 2022

Dario De Santis
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2 min readJan 11, 2023

Hi guys! After some time off, here we are again with another appointment of the “Best of”, reviewing best articles from the second half of 2022, in which we have published many interesting articles. Let’s see them.

Most Viewed Articles

Java CompletableFutures in Spring Boot by Ivan Polovyi

Why do we need a Database Connection Pool? -every programmer must know by Dineshchandgr

9 Cool Things to Do with ChatGPT by omgzui

Do you know about OAuth2 Protocol and its different flows? by Dineshchandgr

How to do Asynchronous Programming With Java by Suraj Mishra

Chain of Responsibility Pattern in Spring Application by Semyon Kirekov

How to Use Java 19 Virtual Threads by omgzui

Use Spring Retry to Implement Automatic Retry by lance

Five API Performance Optimization Tricks that Every Java Developer Must Know by lance

9 Excellent Java development habits by omgzui

How to Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 17 by lance

What is CQRS? How Important Is it in Microservices? by Ruby Valappil

Everything you need to know about HTTP/2 Protocol by Dineshchandgr

Single Sign-On (SSO): SAML, OAuth2, OIDC simplified by Dineshchandgr

What are JWT tokens and their different forms — JWS and JWE? by Dineshchandgr

News Articles

SpringBoot3.0 is officially released, what are your expectations! by Gejiufelix

What Are the New Features of SpringBoot3? by omgzui

The 2022 Python Programmer RoadMap by javinpaul

Resource Articles

10 Books Every Experienced Java Developer Should Read by Soma

3 ways to learn Java and become a Software Developer in 2023 by javinpaul

5 Best Web API Design and Development Courses for Beginners in 2022 by javinpaul

5 Best Java Libraries Every Java Developer Should Know by lance




Dario De Santis

Software Architect, writing about Java, Spring, Microservices, Kubernetes and Cloud-native programming. Editor for Javarevisited.