Best of the Week — April 18/24

Dario De Santis
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1 min readApr 26, 2022

Hi guys! Here we are again with another appointment of the “Best of the week”, reviewing best articles from the last week, in which we have published many interesting articles. Let’s see them.

Most Viewed Articles

Know the Difference Between JVM, JRE, And JDK by Vikram Gupta

Spring REST POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE APIs vs GraphQL Mutation by Ivan Polovyi

The less heard type of Inversion of Control by Rahul Saha

Deploying A Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes using Jenkins by C. R. Raja Vignesh

Map vs. Bag by Donald Raab

SOLID Principles by Vithulan MV

Do You Know Classpath In java? by Vikram Gupta

Apache Spark, Hive, and Spring Boot — Testing Guide by Semyon Kirekov

News Articles

What’s new in Java 18 by Dmytro Timchenko

Oracle JDK now is FREE by Dario De Santis

OpenJDK vs. Oracle JDK by Sajith dilshan

What’s new in Apache Kafka 3.0 by Dario De Santis

Resource Articles

Top 7 Courses to learn Computer Security and IT Security for Beginners in 2022 by javinpaul

7 Best Places to Practice Coding Problems and Learn Data Structures and Algorithms for Interviews by javinpaul




Dario De Santis

Software Architect, writing about Java, Spring, Microservices, Kubernetes and Cloud-native programming. Editor for Javarevisited.