BSC NFT Marketplace Development — How To Create An NFT Marketplace On BSC

Christian Edward
Published in
6 min readMay 16, 2022

The explosive growth of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) presents an opportunity for newbie aspiring entrepreneurs to leverage the current trend and launch the NFT marketplace for buying & selling NFTs. When it comes to NFT marketplace development, the real confusion comes while choosing the right blockchain network.

Each blockchain holds different attributes and so its capabilities. Though Ethereum is the pioneer, the NFT marketplace on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) is gaining much attention nowadays from aspiring entrepreneurs. This informative article guides you through the ins and outs of BSC NFT marketplace development. Read on for insights!

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) Goes Mainstream — A Breakthrough

NFT (Non-fungible token) is a mere representation of a digital asset that is unique and non-interchangeable. It can really be anything digital, i.e., NFTs could be art, music, or anything around us in real-time. Every NFT is unique with distinguishable elements.

2021 is a breakthrough year when non-fungible tokens have witnessed never-seen-before popularity & potential growth. This unprecedented growth is anticipated to continue even in the forthcoming years.

The global NFT market size in 2021 was USD 50.10 billion and there is an anticipation that it will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 10.7% in the forthcoming year. It is expected to reach USD 7.63 billion by the end of 2028, with a CAGR of 22.5% during the course of 2022 and 2028.

This data is more than enough to say that the global NFT market size is growing at its own pace. Hence, it is undoubtedly the better option to leap into the NFT market with your platform and make the most out of it.

NFT Marketplace Development On BSC

NFT marketplace is nothing but a trading platform for exhibiting buying & selling of non-fungible tokens. The platform is equipped with salient features and created using blockchain technology. There will be no denial that the NFT marketplace on Ethereum is so common. But, with some drawbacks, Binance Smart Chain is widely used for the NFT marketplace development.

Why Choose Binance Smart Chain For NFT Marketplace Development?

Elaborately saying, the following are the major reasons to choose Binance Smart Chain over Ethereum for NFT marketplace development.

  • Speed Of Transactions

With the increased number of Ethereum-based NFT marketplaces, network congestion occurs, which has to be more concern. Due to this, transaction speed has become much lesser. When it comes to Binance Smart Chain, the transaction speed is high. Eventually, this will pull the target audience’s attention.

  • Gas Fees

Another drawback that Ethereum has faced is low gas fees. This is seemingly the biggest shortcoming, which has been overcome with the emergence of new blockchain networks, i.e., BSC.

  • High-End Security

One greater advantage of Binance Smart Chain is interoperability. It is the most considerable trait for non-fungible tokens. Thus, the BSC NFT marketplace supports greater security. Considerably, the cross-chain protocol in it facilitates interoperability between two different blockchains.

  • EVM Compatibility

The decentralized nature of the marketplace plays an important role as this allows users to trade non-fungible tokens, including digital assets & collectibles, without the involvement of third parties. It is an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible blockchain.

  • Smart Contracts Integration

The smart contracts integration of the NFT marketplace on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) will aid in auditing the activities that have been carried out within the platform. Considerably, this will prevent the platform from being hacked or even manipulated.

These are a few of the reasons that make individuals opt for BSC over Ethereum or some other blockchains. Without a denial, Binance Smart Chain has become the most preferred choice for developing the NFT marketplace.

Functionality Of The NFT Marketplace On Binance Smart Chain

  • The functionality of BSC NFT Marketplace is quite simpler. That is, the users at the beginning have to sign up with the necessary details to be specified.
  • Subsequently, they need to link their digital wallet followed by adding funds. When it comes to sellers or creators, they have to begin with minting their NFTs.
  • Once done, they can list their NFTs with the specifications of required details, including a description alongside either of bidding or buying option.
  • The counterparty or buyers interested in buying the digital assets buy them directly when the price is fixed. Or else, they will be able to participate in the auction and get a hold of NFTs.

Imperative Features Of An NFT Marketplace On BSC

In the prior section, we have seen how the NFT marketplace built on Binance Smart Chain functions, it is now time to know essential features that make the functionality flawless. Below are the important features of the BSC NFT Marketplace. Have a glimpse.

  • Storefront

A storefront of the NFT marketplace is similar to a virtual exhibitory, which is seen in eCommerce apps. A storefront’s sole purpose is to let users find all the required information regarding the NFTs being listed on the platform. This includes bids, owners, price history, previews, etc.

  • Advanced Search & Smart Filters

The BSC NFT marketplace comes with advanced & smart filter options, which will let help traders or users look for the desired NFTs on the basis of the product price, best-selling, and many others.

  • Listing NFTs

The creators or users will be given an option to mint their digital works. Upon tokenization, they can list their NFTs on the platform by providing necessary details like description, name, etc.

  • Selling Or Auction

While listing their NFTs, they should choose between selling the digital assets at a fixed price and bidding price. When it comes to the scenario of fixing the buying price, the buyers buy the digital assets directly by buying. In the contrasting scenario of bidding, the potential buyers need to participate in the auction. Those individuals bidding the highest at the end of the auction will get a hold of non-fungible tokens.

  • Wallet Support

The NFT marketplace built on BSC supports the integration of wallets of users’ choice. A wallet is a space for storing their digital assets, which will make certain to trade them without much difficulty.

  • Multiple Payment Options

The feasibility of users choosing the payment options as their wish provides convenience. Some of the popular third-party payment gateways include Metamask, MyEtherWallet, TrustWallet, etc.

  • Reviews & Ratings

With this feature, users or traders can rate the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that have been listed on the BSC NFT marketplace.

Possible Ways To Develop The NFT Marketplace On BSC

The trade-in of non-fungible tokens is soaring and so many focuses on creating their own NFTs. This presents a chance for aspiring entrepreneurs to create an NFT marketplace on BSC to leverage the current trend and make the most out of it.

In general, there have been two different approaches to be carried out for the NFT marketplace development. These are explained below. Go through.

  • BSC NFT Marketplace Development From Scratch

This type of development requires more time as well as having to spend much money. It involves creating the NFT trading platform from the very first beginning, comprising designing & developing, testing, and launching.

  • BSC NFT Marketplace Development Using A White-Label Solution

The alternative yet simplest way is BSC NFT marketplace development using a white-label solution, i.e., a ready-made solution. It is a pre-made solution equipped with general features. It can be modified as per the changing requirements and so can be deployed within a short notice. In comparison to a previous approach, a white-label BSC NFT marketplace is affordable and does not require much investment as it is customizable.

To Start With,

Where and how to begin with will be a common question for newbies with an interest in capitalizing on the NFT trend and launching an NFT marketplace. It isn’t tedious as you might think. Make it possible easily by opting for a white-label BSC NFT marketplace solution. A beginning thing to be given utmost importance is to choose the most suitable & reliable company for BSC NFT marketplace development.


Since the reach of NFT marketplaces has been high in recent years, it is undoubtedly the right time for aspiring entrepreneurs to launch their own platforms. NFT marketplace on BSC will aid you in doing so and step into the NFT market and have more monetization opportunities.



Christian Edward

Hi there! I’m a writer covering the latest trends in blockchain technology.