Create a Local Kubernetes Cluster (K8s#3)

How to get a local Kubernetes cluster up and running

Dario De Santis


Hi everyone! With this article, we go deep with the Kubernetes Series. In the previous articles, I have shared with you a brief introduction to Kubernetes and showed the most common Docker parts used for Kubernetes.

Today I want to show you 2 ways to setup a local Kubernetes cluster, that is the base you must have to start working with Kubernetes. These ways are the following :

  1. Setup minikube
  2. Setup Virtual Machines with Master and Worker nodes


To follow this guide, you need only to know the basic concepts of Kubernetes, with particular focus to :

  • Docker container runtime
  • Master and Worker nodes
  • kubelet component

Actually, setting up the cluster with minikube requires no prior experience or knowledge, but I hope and recommend you know the very basic concepts before setting up a cluster. If not so, I leave the link to the official documentation where all the concepts are well explained:



Dario De Santis

Software Architect, writing about Java, Spring, Microservices, Kubernetes and Cloud-native programming. Editor for Javarevisited.