Create an ERD from Big Query dataset tables (Hack)

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4 min readAug 1, 2022
It’s easy for many people to understand things when learnt visually through pictures and/or diagrams.

Observe a diagram of the architecture of a system or a database can help us very quickly locate where we are within the “big picture”.

Recently I started learning big query and the data I was querying was publicly available on the cloud marketplace. Since this were databases that I was not familiar with I would have to use metadata to understand the names of columns, tables and relationships.

It was taking me a long time to write queries because I didn’t know where the data was and also, by not being able to see the big picture I couldn’t discover if what I wanted to access was actually easier to access if I went through a different path. So I decided to generate an ERD(Entities Relational Diagram).

After fighting with the GUI for some 30 minutes and searching the web for how could I generate an ERD from a Big Query dataset I arrived to the conclusion that this feature was not yet supported. I needed to find an alternative way of building the ERD myself.

Maybe using DBeaver(SQL Client) I thought, but to do that I would have to create the tables and then extract them as ERD or use their GUI to create the ERD manually from the scratch. My second thought was Umlet it’s a great tool that I used many times for diagrams but the syntax was a bit convoluted. I didn’t want to be typing for too long.

Just as I was losing hope I came across Quick DBD. I click on the “Try The App” button and in less than 60 seconds I saw that this could be my tool of choice for this task. The syntax to draw the tables and relationships was super easy so I went back to big query to extract the metadata and to my surprise the modifications I had to do were minimal. This is what I did step by step.

1- Got the names of all the tables in the dataset

Query to get all the table names from my dataset
all table names

2- The column name and the datatype of each column in each table
For this step I crafted a few queries and I executed them together.

Column Names And Data Types
Results from all 6 queries containing the column names and the data types

3- Copy the results to the clipboard and port them to QuickDBD
For this step I would just Ctrl + Click on each of the “View Results” links on the side and then in each tab I would copy to clipboard, close the tab and then I would go to QDBD with the data.

The very last option “Copy to Clipboard” is what I needed

With the data of this table then I would go to QDBD and click on the “Try The App” button on the top of the page.

The button that takes you to the demo app

Once at the app I would paste the data on the left edit area.

Pasting the clipboard will show some errors

To fix this errors the effort is minimal. What needs to be done is:

- remove the first row and type the name of the table
- untabify.

To untabify I needed to go to Edit->Untabify

Edit -> Untabify

Once those 2 steps were done the table displayed on the right side.

Note that the table name requires a little dash between itself and the columns.

4- Relationships
To do the relationships it is not difficult. I just used the drag function from the foreign key to the desired Id but also I could just simply type it on the editor on the side.

When hovering over a column little gray clickable and draggable circles appear that makes it easy to connect the FK to the Id.

Note the syntax in the editor side also is very easy if we prefer to type it manually. user_id INT64 FK >-

5- Export as image
The last step is to export the ERD as an image. A save option is available but for that registration is required.

Exporting the ERD as a PNG image
This is the final result

I hope you found this interesting, if so please leave some claps and follow Javing. Since very recently I also have a Youtube channel. I need to do a lot of improvement and actually do editing on the videos since both the audio and the image is not so good, hopefully I will improve that with time. This video explains the same thing but unfortunately due to an issue with the screen brightness is not possible to see the database tables.

I am really sorry about the issue with the brightness. I am a bit of a noob with Youtube.




The present continuous form of “to program in Java”.